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Classification Ch. 18.

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Presentation on theme: "Classification Ch. 18."— Presentation transcript:

1 Classification Ch. 18

2 Levels of classification
There are seven levels of classification Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species Mnemonic device: King Philip Came Over For Good Stuff Kingdoms include the most organisms; species include the least



5 Taxonomy is the science of classifying organisms into groups.
Carolus Linnaeus came up with a standard two-part name system called binomial nomenclature. Each organism is identified using its genus and species name. Rules: 1. Always in italics. 2. Genus is first and capitalized; species is second and lower case.



8 Phylogeny is the study of evolutionary relationships between organisms.
These relationship can be shown using a phylogenic tree or cladogram. Relationships are not based on physical appearance, but on characteristics that have evolved over time, separating on type of organism from another. Cladograms are also able to show that a common ancestor was shared between certain organisms at different points in time.


10 Using DNA In modern times, DNA analysis can aid in determining evolutionary relationships and classifying life.

11 Salamander with irregular spots

12 Salamander with External Gills

13 Shark External Anatomy

14 Nurse Shark

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