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CQC Compliance Outcome 11

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Presentation on theme: "CQC Compliance Outcome 11"— Presentation transcript:

1 CQC Compliance Outcome 11
Safety, Availability and Suitability of Equipment Presented By: Alex Zarneh (Dr.) Head of Medical Physics & Radiation Protection Services Medical Physics Department Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust Incorporating Dewsbury & District, Pinderfields and Pontefract Hospitals MID YORKSHIRE HOSPITALS NHS TRUST DEWSBURY AND DISTRICT HOSPITAL MEDICAL PHYSICS DEPARTMENT HALIFAX ROAD DEWSBURY WEST YORKSHIRE WF13 4HS

2 Take Your Seats, Sit Back, Relax And Enjoy

3 Neglect or Ignorance?   This presentation gives an overview from the following points of view: - Head of Medical Physics with operational and professional responsibility - Acting as out of hours on-site duty manager - being accountable for patients not having basic kit such as Static Mattresses or Pillows

4 What Happened?  The Trust was inspected by Care Quality Commission Assessors 60 assessors arrived and spent one week across 3 hospitals and care closer to home premises They also came back at weekends and did unannounced inspection

5 What Happened?  A lot of Evidence was presented prior to their visit but was not Enough to satisfy the requirements of outcome 11!

6 Outcome 11 – Safety, Availability and Suitability of Equipment
The registered person, the Trust must make suitable arrangements to protect service users and others who may be at risk of using unsafe equipment

7 Availability Of Devices
  To ensure that any devices is: Properly maintained and suitable for its purpose Used correctly Is available in sufficient quantities Role of Medical Devices Library

8 Fit For Purpose   The Device is: Suitable for its purpose Is properly maintained Is used correctly and safely Promotes independence IN-HOUSE MANAGEMENT OF MEDICAL DEVICES POLICY!

9 Responsibilities?   Do You Know Who is responsible In Your Trust for: - Static / Foam Mattresses or Pillows - Wheel Chairs? How many are lying around broken? - Commodes? / Bariatric Equipment _ Pressure Relief Mattresses? - Decontamination / Cleaning of Medical Devices?

10 Responsibilities?  - Who is responsible for Clinical Training? - Who is responsible for managing external medical devices contracts? -Who verifies the contractors service reports? Ward clerk? - Who accepts the device back into service? Ward Clerk / Domestics?

11 Responsibilities?  - Who decides on the level of contract needed? -Is there a centralised database with full visibility? - Is there a replacement programme for all the devices? - What is your standardisation Policy? - Who stands up to users and clinical colleagues who are putting pressure on to purchase the “Deal of the Day”?

12 CQC Assessment  - Assessors spent time on the wards - Command centres were set up at each hospital site - Head of Medical Physics - Director - Matrons - Chief Nurse Deputy

13 Yellow Folders! - Inventory ? - Training Records? How many were in date? Some wards also created their own folders: Labeled – CQC Evidence? – Not acceptable!

14 CQC Assessment   We met with each other every two hours - Kept in touch via text and mobile – signal issues - Walked round the wards and corridors - Engaged with porters to move items from corridors - Lots of biscuits / Fruit and Chocolates - Created good relationship between different colleagues

15 Operational Issues  - Some staff not familiar with the sites - Working for the same organisation? - Making assumptions - What happened to day to day tasks? - Tired - Having spent 4 weeks collecting evidence!

16 CQC / Trust Expectations
 - Each day requests came from CQC for information - Can you do it for now? - Remember - All Information must be credible - We had a lot of explaining to do!

17 CQC / Trust Expectations
 What were the issues for Medical Physics? - Labeling of service dates on devices - I sent a global to other Trusts for comments - Received some good and some rude and ignorant s - Spot checking of service dates via telephone call from the assessor

18 CQC / Trust Expectations
- CQC asked for a list of outstanding jobs - List of outstanding PVIs - High Risk, Medium Risk and Low Risk - What is the problem?

19 What happened Next? - The information was presented to CQC - Decision made to withdraw the “Yellow Folders”

20 Feedback? - No Formal feedback - Various informal questions re Inventory for various areas - !Number of NIBPs in a certain area!

21 What Have We Done? - Continue with achieving compliance (91%) - Debate re stickers and service lables?

22 Thank you for your attention

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