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Energy Think back to the last 24 hours and list ALL your uses of energy (and their approximate duration), at home and on the move!

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Presentation on theme: "Energy Think back to the last 24 hours and list ALL your uses of energy (and their approximate duration), at home and on the move!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Energy Think back to the last 24 hours and list ALL your uses of energy (and their approximate duration), at home and on the move!

2 Write them down as a table in your exercise books!
Energy Write them down as a table in your exercise books!

3 Energy Now, find 5 (five) classmates and compare your uses with theirs! Write these down in your exercise books, too!

4 Sustainable Development
Brundtland Commission stated the goal of sustainable development is to enable all people throughout the world to satisfy their basic needs and enjoy a better quality of life, without compromising the quality of life of future generations. This presentation and exercise is free to use in UK schools, colleges and universities. It is provided by games-ED ( who licence collaborative games based learning including a sustainable development game entitled Sustainaville. The presentation can be used in geography, citizenship, business studies, economics, environmental courses and eco schools / sustainable schools. © pixelfountain (games-ED) – free to use in UK schools, colleges and universities.

5 Limited Resources If everyone had the same standard of living as people in North America or Europe, we would need the resources of three planet earths.

6 What are our basic needs?

7 What are our basic needs?
Food Water Shelter Power Waste Treatment Medical Care

8 You tube cartoon ‘Peak Oil - How Will You Ride the Slide?’
Prompts for discussion What did you think of the cartoon? Fuel for transport makes up almost a third of the current world energy consumption (contextualise with car/ plane use for holidays etc.). Imagine all the transport stopped for a day: what would happen to your city/ town/ the wider world? Historical examples in the UK:1973 oil crisis: ‘Three Day week’ introduced to conserve electricity, Miners strike in 1984, major industrial action. What does the word biofuel suggest to you? It has been estimated that biofuels will make up 9% of transport fuel in Europe by 2020 – what energy do we already have? Which sources are renewable and which are non-renewable? What are the alternatives for the future to energy consumption? We want to continue our lives as normal but how can we? Where else might fuel come from? What other sources of energy might we use?

9 Dragons Den dragens den Task 1 Bioethanol from trees, grasses, waste
Bioethanol from duel–use crops Biogas Biofuels from algal

10 Circle the room to read about each biofuel type – Answer the following questions on your worksheet!
Where is the biofuel used? How does it work? What are the possible advantages of using this biofuel? Clues, environment, people, wildlife, money What are possible disadvantages of using this biofuel? Document any other interesting information

11 YOUR TASK You need to persuade the Dragons in the Den to choose your biofuel. Each group to create a one minute sales pitch Dragon’s Den style on your chosen biofuel type (use prompt sheet) In total, groups will have roughly 15 minutes to prepare and 1 minute to present their case. I will pick students to be the dragons


13 plenary – Which biofuel type do you think is the best option and why? Which is the worst?

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