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CS 685: Special Topics in Data Mining Jinze Liu

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1 CS 685: Special Topics in Data Mining Jinze Liu
Clustering CS 685: Special Topics in Data Mining Jinze Liu

2 Outline What is clustering Partitioning methods Hierarchical methods
Density-based methods Grid-based methods Model-based clustering methods Outlier analysis

3 Hierarchical Clustering
Group data objects into a tree of clusters Step 0 Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 b d c e a a b d e c d e a b c d e agglomerative (AGNES) divisive (DIANA)

4 AGNES (Agglomerative Nesting)
Initially, each object is a cluster Step-by-step cluster merging, until all objects form a cluster Single-link approach Each cluster is represented by all of the objects in the cluster The similarity between two clusters is measured by the similarity of the closest pair of data points belonging to different clusters

5 Dendrogram Show how to merge clusters hierarchically
Decompose data objects into a multi-level nested partitioning (a tree of clusters) A clustering of the data objects: cutting the dendrogram at the desired level Each connected component forms a cluster

6 DIANA (DIvisive ANAlysis)
Initially, all objects are in one cluster Step-by-step splitting clusters until each cluster contains only one object

7 Distance Measures Minimum distance Maximum distance Mean distance
Average distance m: mean for a cluster C: a cluster n: the number of objects in a cluster

8 Challenges of Hierarchical Clustering Methods
Hard to choose merge/split points Never undo merging/splitting Merging/splitting decisions are critical Do not scale well: O(n2) What is the bottleneck when the data can’t fit in memory? Integrating hierarchical clustering with other techniques BIRCH, CURE, CHAMELEON, ROCK

9 BIRCH Balanced Iterative Reducing and Clustering using Hierarchies
CF (Clustering Feature) tree: a hierarchical data structure summarizing object info Clustering objects  clustering leaf nodes of the CF tree

10 Clustering Feature Vector
Clustering Feature: CF = (N, LS, SS) N: Number of data points LS: Ni=1=Xi SS: Ni=1=Xi2 CF = (5, (16,30),(54,190)) (3,4) (2,6) (4,5) (4,7) (3,8)

11 CF-tree in BIRCH Clustering feature:
Summarize the statistics for a subcluster: the 0th, 1st and 2nd moments of the subcluster Register crucial measurements for computing cluster and utilize storage efficiently A CF tree: a height-balanced tree storing the clustering features for a hierarchical clustering A nonleaf node in a tree has descendants or “children” The nonleaf nodes store sums of the CFs of children

12 CF Tree CF1 CF3 CF2 CF6 Root B = 7 L = 6 Non-leaf node CF1 CF2 CF3 CF5
child1 CF3 child3 CF2 child2 CF6 child6 Root B = 7 L = 6 Non-leaf node CF1 CF2 CF3 CF5 child1 child2 child3 child5 Leaf node Leaf node prev CF1 CF2 CF6 next prev CF1 CF2 CF4 next

13 Parameters of A CF-tree
Branching factor: the maximum number of children Threshold: max diameter of sub-clusters stored at the leaf nodes

14 CF Tree Insertion Identifying the appropriate leaf: recursively descending the CF tree and choosing the closest child node according to a chosen distance metric Modifying the leaf: test whether the leaf can absorb the node without violating the threshold. If there is no room, split the node Modifying the path: update CF information up the path.

15 Vladimir Jelić (
Example of the BIRCH Algorithm New subcluster sc4 sc5 sc8 sc6 sc7 LN3 sc3 LN2 sc1 sc2 Root LN1 LN2 LN3 LN1 sc8 sc5 sc3 sc6 sc7 Vladimir Jelić sc1 sc4 sc2

16 Merge Operation in BIRCH
If the branching factor of a leaf node can not exceed 3, then LN1 is split sc4 sc1 sc5 sc3 sc6 sc2 sc7 sc8 LN2 LN1” LN3 Root LN1’ LN2 LN3 LN1’ LN1” sc8 sc5 sc3 sc6 sc7 sc1 sc4 sc2

17 Merge Operation in BIRCH
If the branching factor of a non-leaf node can not exceed 3, then the root is split and the height of the CF Tree increases by one sc3 sc1 sc6 sc4 Root sc2 sc7 sc5 NLN1 sc8 LN3 LN2 NLN2 LN1’ LN1” LN1’ LN1” LN2 LN3 sc8 sc1 sc4 sc7 sc3 sc6 sc2 sc5 Vladimir Jelić

18 Merge Operation in BIRCH
Assume that the subclusters are numbered according to the order of formation sc5 sc6 sc3 sc2 root sc1 LN1 sc4 LN2 LN1 LN2 sc6 sc1 sc5 sc2 sc3 sc4

19 Merge Operation in BIRCH
If the branching factor of a leaf node can not exceed 3, then LN2 is split sc5 sc6 sc2 sc1 sc3 sc4 root LN1 LN2” LN2” LN2’ LN2’ LN1 sc6 sc5 sc3 sc1 sc4 sc2

20 Vladimir Jelić (
Merge Operation in BIRCH LN2’ and LN1 will be merged, and the newly formed node wil be split immediately sc2 sc5 sc6 sc3 sc4 sc1 LN3’ LN3” root LN2” LN2” LN3” LN3’ sc6 sc2 sc3 sc1 sc4 sc5 Vladimir Jelić

21 Birch Clustering Algorithm (1)
Phase 1: Scan all data and build an initial in-memory CF tree. Phase 2: condense into desirable length by building a smaller CF tree. Phase 3: Global clustering Phase 4: Cluster refining – this is optional, and requires more passes over the data to refine the results

22 Birch Clustering Algorithm (2)

23 Vladimir Jelić (
Birch – Phase 1 Start with initial threshold and insert points into the tree If run out of memory, increase thresholdvalue, and rebuild a smaller tree by reinserting values from older tree and then other values Good initial threshold is important but hard to figure out Outlier removal – when rebuilding tree remove outliers Vladimir Jelić

24 Vladimir Jelić (
Birch - Phase 2 Optional Phase 3 sometime have minimum size which performs well, so phase 2 prepares the tree for phase 3. BIRCH applies a (selected) clustering algorithm to cluster the leaf nodes of the CF tree, which removes sparse clusters as outliers and groups dense clusters into larger ones. Vladimir Jelić

25 Vladimir Jelić (
Birch – Phase 3 Problems after phase 1: Input order affects results Splitting triggered by node size Phase 3: cluster all leaf nodes on the CF values according to an existing algorithm Algorithm used here: agglomerative hierarchical clustering Vladimir Jelić

26 Vladimir Jelić (
Birch – Phase 4 Optional Do additional passes over the dataset & reassign data points to the closest centroid from phase 3 Recalculating the centroids and redistributing the items. Always converges (no matter how many time phase 4 is repeated) Vladimir Jelić

27 Vladimir Jelić (
Conclusions (1) Birch performs faster than existing algorithms (CLARANS and KMEANS) on large datasets Scans whole data only once Handles outliers better Superior to other algorithms in stability and scalability Vladimir Jelić

28 Vladimir Jelić (
Conclusions (2) Since each node in a CF tree can hold only a limited number of entries due to the size, a CF tree node doesn’t always correspond to what a user may consider a nature cluster. Moreover, if the clusters are not spherical in shape, it doesn’t perform well because it uses the notion of radius or diameter to control the boundary of a cluster Vladimir Jelić

29 BIRCH Clustering Phase 1: scan DB to build an initial in-memory CF tree (a multi-level compression of the data that tries to preserve the inherent clustering structure of the data) Phase 2: use an arbitrary clustering algorithm to cluster the leaf nodes of the CF-tree

30 Pros & Cons of BIRCH Linear scalability Can handle only numeric data
Good clustering with a single scan Quality can be further improved by a few additional scans Can handle only numeric data Sensitive to the order of the data records

31 Drawbacks of Square Error Based Methods
One representative per cluster Good only for convex shaped having similar size and density A number of clusters parameter k Good only if k can be reasonably estimated

32 Drawback of Distance-based Methods
Hard to find clusters with irregular shapes Hard to specify the number of clusters Heuristic: a cluster must be dense

33 Directly Density Reachable
p q Parameters Eps: Maximum radius of the neighborhood MinPts: Minimum number of points in an Eps-neighborhood of that point NEps(p): {q | dist(p,q) Eps} Core object p: |Neps(p)|MinPts Point q directly density-reachable from p iff q Neps(p) and p is a core object MinPts = 3 Eps = 1 cm

34 Density-Based Clustering: Background (II)
p q p1 Density-reachable Directly density reachable p1p2, p2p3, …, pn-1 pn  pn density-reachable from p1 Density-connected Points p, q are density-reachable from o  p and q are density-connected p q o

35 DBSCAN A cluster: a maximal set of density-connected points
Discover clusters of arbitrary shape in spatial databases with noise Core Border Outlier Eps = 1cm MinPts = 5

36 DBSCAN: the Algorithm Arbitrary select a point p
Retrieve all points density-reachable from p wrt Eps and MinPts If p is a core point, a cluster is formed If p is a border point, no points are density-reachable from p and DBSCAN visits the next point of the database Continue the process until all of the points have been processed

37 Problems of DBSCAN Different clusters may have very different densities Clusters may be in hierarchies

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