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Bell ringer In a least one paragraph please respond to the following question: If the Colombian Exchange had not taken place how would it affect your.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell ringer In a least one paragraph please respond to the following question: If the Colombian Exchange had not taken place how would it affect your."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell ringer In a least one paragraph please respond to the following question: If the Colombian Exchange had not taken place how would it affect your shopping experience at your local grocery store?

2 Colombian Exchange- Helped the population grow in Europe.


4 The agricultural revolution begins…
The increase in population also brought about the need for better farming techniques

5 Lands once common fenced off into individual plots.
Enclosure movement Lands once common fenced off into individual plots. Smaller landholdings combined into larger plots of land.


7 Effects of the enclosure movement
Wealthy landowners benefited Small landowners lost their land

8 New inventions/ideas helped farm the land more efficiently
Crop rotation Seed drill Horse drawn hoe Plows made of iron instead of wood

9 Crop rotation

10 With machines doing the work many farmers not needed
They migrated to cities looking for work

11 industrial revolution
Called a revolution because it changed or revolutionized the productive capacity of England

12 What was the industrial revolution?
Era of rapid development; New machines/technologies Dramatic increase in production Changed society 1750 in England

13 FYI- Textiles = cloth/woven fabric
The textile industry FYI- Textiles = cloth/woven fabric For generations, families had produced textiles in their homes. A slow process.


15 Flying shuttle-greatly increased production

16 Spinning jenny – produced 8 times more thread than a single spinning wheel

17 Richard Arkwright –spinning mill
Brought workers and machinery together in one location, powered it by water

18 Opposition to industrialization- the luddites
Luddites- Self employed textile workers, feared the end of their trade. Caused damage to new machines.


20 Primary source document assignment
With a partner read and analyze the document on page 561 (Western Civ. book) Answer the following questions: 1-Who is feeling threatened by the new machines? 2-What are scribbling machines? 3-Why are they worried about their children?

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