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12/16/2010 LINC KENTWOOD 52 nd STREET PLANNING 52 nd Street and Kalamazoo Concept #1 Two plazas at intersection of 52 nd and Kalamazoo fronted with curved.

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1 12/16/2010 LINC KENTWOOD 52 nd STREET PLANNING 52 nd Street and Kalamazoo Concept #1 Two plazas at intersection of 52 nd and Kalamazoo fronted with curved buildings. These buildings may house professional offices or very small scale retail operations…like a coffee shop. Rowhouse buildings transitioning from commercial along 52 nd Street and Kalamazoo to the south. Maintain existing medical offices along Kalamazoo Aggressively buffer the existing residences from new development with walls and landscaping. Maintain residentially scaled buildings in new construction.

2 12/16/2010 LINC KENTWOOD 52 nd STREET PLANNING 52 nd Street and Kalamazoo Concept #1 REVISION 1 Continue arc onto other corner and create park. Reduce density and make a quicker transition to existing residential to the east and south. Exit only drives on 52 nd west of Kalamazoo Professional offices or very small scale commercial like coffee shop or deli. Buffer the existing residential that is behind this redevelopment with decorative wall and landscaping. Pocket park in existing neighborhood

3 12/16/2010 LINC KENTWOOD 52 nd STREET PLANNING 52 nd Street and Kalamazoo Concept #2 One plaza or park at intersection of 52 nd and Kalamazoo fronted with buildings that contain commercial uses – retail (yellow) and office Rowhouse buildings north of the intersection along Kalamazoo. Offices south along Kalamazoo and East along 52 nd Street. Maintain existing medical offices along Kalamazoo Rain gardens…indicated in blue Buffer existing residences from new construction

4 12/16/2010 LINC KENTWOOD 52 nd STREET PLANNING 52 nd Street and Eastern Concept #1 Retail and Mixed Use buildings along Eastern Avenue with storefronts and street facing facades. (80,000 square feet of ground floor commercial) Rowhouse buildings transitioning from commercial. (97 residences) Single family homes at neighborhood edge. (33 residences) Street grid and compact block structure. Central green: 330 feet x 180 (1.4 acres) Typical football field is 360 feet x 160 feet

5 12/16/2010 LINC KENTWOOD 52 nd STREET PLANNING 52 nd Street and Eastern Concept #1 COMMENTS Make the park go all the way to 52 nd Street. Incorporate the ice cream store into park. Turn the park east to west. No apartments…all owner occupied. Too many rowhouses…lower density housing

6 12/16/2010 LINC KENTWOOD 52 nd STREET PLANNING 52 nd Street and Eastern Concept #1 REVISION 1

7 12/16/2010 LINC KENTWOOD 52 nd STREET PLANNING 52 nd Street and Eastern Concept #1 REVISION 2

8 12/16/2010 LINC KENTWOOD 52 nd STREET PLANNING 52 nd Street and Eastern Concept #2 Retail and Mixed Use buildings along a crescent shaped slip street which will allow on street parking in front of the retail. (100,000 square feet of ground floor commercial) …..including reuse of existing 40,000 square foot grocery. Rowhouse buildings transitioning from commercial. Senior housing – similar to existing neighborhood context. Street grid and compact block structure. Central green: 200 feet x 150 (.7 acres) Less formal green space - naturalistic

9 12/16/2010 LINC KENTWOOD 52 nd STREET PLANNING 52 nd Street and Eastern Concept #2 REVISION 1


11 12/16/2010 LINC KENTWOOD 52 nd STREET PLANNING 52 nd Street and Eastern: TRANSFORMATION STUDY PHASE 2

12 12/16/2010 LINC KENTWOOD 52 nd STREET PLANNING 52 nd Street and Eastern: TRANSFORMATION STUDY PHASE 3

13 12/16/2010 LINC KENTWOOD 52 nd STREET PLANNING 52 nd Street and Eastern: TRANSFORMATION STUDY PHASE 4

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