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Interactions in an Ecosystem

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1 Interactions in an Ecosystem

2 Habitat vs. Niche Habitat is simply where an organism lives such as a black bird living in a pine tree. Ecological niche is the role that an organism plays in its ecosystem such as: Bird spreading the seeds of the tree. Bird controlling the insect population on the tree. Bird mating with other birds. The ecological niche involves the interacting of organisms in a ecosystem.

3 Types of Interactions Competition=Two organisms attempt to use the same resource such as mates, living space, and food Interspecific competition occurs between two different species Intraspecific competition occurs between organisms of the same species

4 Interactions Cont. Predation=One organism captures, kills, and eats another.

5 Interactions Cont. Symbiosis=Two organisms living in close proximity to each other. There are three types of symbiosis: Mutualism Commensalism Parasitism

6 Interactions Cont. Mutualism=Both organisms benefit from the relationship

7 Interactions Cont. Commensalism=One organism benefits and the other is neither benefited or harmed.

8 Interactions Cont. Parasitism=One organism benefits while the other is harmed.

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