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The Unification of Germany and Italy

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1 The Unification of Germany and Italy
Nationalism The Unification of Germany and Italy

2 Make a timeline with these dates:
1858 1860 1861 1864 1866 1870

3 What is Nationalism? Write this on the bottom or back of your timeline
Love of a nation, its heritage, and its people; not necessarily its ruler Belief in Common Bonds such as: Ethnic ancestry Language Culture History Religion Territory

4 Germany In the 1800’s Germany was a region but not a nation
39 states, dominated by Austria and Prussia Austria’s population was ethnically diverse Prussia’s population was German


6 1861 Prussia begins Unification
Wilhelm I takes the throne Doubles Army Otto von Bismarck, Prime Minister Realpolitik, “politics of reality” rules without parliament or legal budget Wilhelm I Otto von Bismarck

7 1864 Prussia allies with Austria Attacks Denmark, gains territory
Divides land between Austria and Prussia Otto von Bismarck To Prussia To Austria

8 1866 After becoming allies, Prussia provokes war with Austria
“Seven Weeks’ war” won by Prussia Prussia controls all of Northern Germany

9 1870-1 Prussia forces a “national” war against France
All of Germany follows Prussia France is soundly defeated New name: German Empire with Kaiser (Emperor) Wilhelm I as its leader Napoleon III

10 Results France hands over the border valley of Alsace-Lorraine
1860 Results France hands over the border valley of Alsace-Lorraine Balance of Power in Europe is destroyed in favor of Prussia A Strong German nation that could threaten Russia or France 1871

11 Italy Once the center of Roman Empire
Since then divided into small states, ruled by princes (called principalities) By 1800’s real power in Europe was Austria But Italy possessed all requirements of a strong nation and nationalism Old Roman Empire

12 Unification 1858 Sardinia, strongest of the Italian States
Constitutional Monarchy Wants unity for personal power Allies with France against Austria Gains lands in the North Camillo di Cavour Victor Emmanuel

13 1860—Giuseppe Garibaldi “Red Shirts”, loyal 1,000 volunteers
Nationalists Captures Sicily and marches north towards Rome Met by King of Sardinia and his army agrees to give Southern Italy to King What is his pic doing here?

14 The Final Pieces 1866 Austria losses war with Prussia
With Austria distracted Italy attacks gains Venice 1870 France loses war with Prussia Italy captures Rome, unites all of Italy (Vatican City is given to Pope)

15 Results Italy is ruled by constitutional king
Divided by regions, industrial north vs. agricultural south Internal problems: politics, strikes, peasant revolts United but a WEAK nation

16 1860 1871

17 William I, Otto von Bismarck Franco- Prussian War Seven Weeks’ War
Germany Leaders— William I, Otto von Bismarck Franco- Prussian War Seven Weeks’ War Resulting government: German empire Austria left out of the confederation Resistance by liberals Catholic— Protestant divisions Prussia led unification drive Both aristocrats Many separate states united by spirit of nationalism One state led unification At start, some territories and states held by foreign powers Italy Cavour, Garibaldi, Victor Emanuel II War with Austria United Kingdom Treaty left Pope in control of Vatican City Cultural divisions remain between industrial north and agricultural south Majority Catholic Sardinia led unification drive

18 Make sure your timeline has these dates listed on it:
1858- Italy wants land to unite, allies with Prussia 1860- Nationalists rise up in Italy 1861- Prussia unites 1864- Prussia allies with Austria 1866- Prussia starts war with Austria 1870-  Prussia starts war with France German Empire begins Italy captures Rome and unites all of Italy

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