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Perkins Funding Purpose:

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1 Perkins Funding Purpose:
“The purpose of this Act is to develop more fully the academic and career and technical skills of secondary education students and postsecondary education students who elect to enroll in career and technical education programs.”

2 Perkins Funding Funding: New funding has a two year lifespan.
First year funding geared towards major initiatives - Referred to as Achieving the Standards or Strategic Interventions. Any funds not expended are returned. These carry-over funds are then made available as Program Improvement and Leadership grants. 2

3 Perkins 2007_2008 Expenditure Summary
Perkins Funding Funding History Honolulu CC Total Awards $ 380,810.00 $ 470,884.50 $565,785.00 % Increase ---- 23.7% 20.2% Perkins 2007_2008 Expenditure Summary

4 Perkins Funding New for 2008/2009: Fed Gov’t mandated that all CTE
programs must be “industry recognized”. Potential impact – Fed Gov’t may withhold future Perkins funding if not completed to their satisfaction. Implications: Tech I and Tech II faculty mapping course SLOs to Program SLOs, and then will validate with Advisory Cmtes.

5 Perkins Funding New for 2008/2009:
All new funding withheld until previous year’s completion reports are submitted and accepted. VP Morton reviewing funding process for UHCC system – further changes may be coming as we head into fiscal 2009/2010. 5

6 Perkins Funding Questions ?? 6

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