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Published bySylvie Després Modified over 6 years ago
Executive Committee and Coordination Committee meetings in Switzerland
International Gas Union IGU Executive Committee and Coordination Committee meetings in Switzerland (4-6 May, 2007) 3rd WOC 1 meeting, Tehran, 2007
International Gas Union
Executive Committee and Coordination Committee meetings took place in Montreux, Switzerland, 4 May, 2007. Montreux Palace Hotel have been chosen as a venue of the Meetings
International Gas Union
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING Montreux Palace Hotel, Montreux , Switzerland - 4 May, 2007 Meeting attendees: Officers: President Mr. Ernesto Lopez Anadon Vice-President Mr. Datuk Abdul Rahim Hashim Secretary General Mr. Peter K. Storm Deputy Secretary General Mr. Petter Nore Chairman of CC Mr. Roberto D. Brandt Vice Chairman of CC Mr. Ho Sook Wah Secretary of CC Mr. Andres Kidd Assistant to the Secretary General Ms. Lotta Hallen-Kragh Assistant to the Secretary General Ms. Barbara Anette Schmid and 16 members from 14 countries and 5 special guests have registered for the Meeting.
List of Decisions 1. The Minutes of the EXC meeting held in Lima, Peru October 17, 2006 were approved. 2. The EXC took note of the Reports on the current status with the Triennial Work Programme and the preparations for the 24th World Gas Conference in 2009. 3. The EXC took note of the promotional papers presented by the Secretariat under Agenda items 7 and 8. 4. EXC endorsed the IGU Accounts for 2006 for Council approval. 5. The EXC confirmed the date of the next Executive Committee meeting to be held on 23 October 2007, in St. Petersburg, Russia.
International Gas Union IGU Executive Committee Meeting Highlights:
Information from the Presidency and the Secretary General The President informed the EXC that the Deputy Secretary General would for personal reasons not be able to take over the IGU Secretariat as of November 1st, It was agreed that the Secretary General together with the President evaluate the proposed Candidate and would inform the EXC about their decision. The Secretary General announced the possibility for Charter and Associate Members to nominate an Assistant Secretary General. The Secretary General informed about the very successful LNG 15 conference. LNG 16 conference will be held in Algiers and the venue of the LNG 17 conference will be in the US. The President informed about the productive cooperation with the International Energy Agency (IEA) regarding the following issues: 1. Common development of energy efficiency indicators. 2. Participation and support in drafting the yearly gas market review. 3. Successful assistance of IGU in finding secondees to work in IEA. 4. Participation in the final version of the 2030 study. 5. IGU’s plans to participate in the International Energy Forum organised by IEA. IGU intends to present there results of the Task Force “Gas Market Integration”.
International Gas Union IGU Executive Committee Meeting Highlights:
Progress Report from the Coordination Committee The Chairman of the Coordination Committee informed about the work of his Committee. The presentation is also available on the IGU website. The main facts are as follows: 1. Status of the Triennial Work Programme (TWP) activities - some remarks: · Extraordinary high number of 713 nominees in the technical committees with good global coverage. · Good start with clear focus in the working groups. · First Joint Committee Meeting on CO2 Sequestration taking place in May. · Gradual integration of IGM into IGU activities is taking place. · Now 28 study groups including the new study group coming under PGC A dealing with Post Kyoto issues, lead by Klaus Kabelitz.
International Gas Union IGU Executive Committee Meeting Highlights:
Progress Report from the Coordination Committee 2. The “2030 Natural Gas Industry Outlook” study: · A management team has been set up consisting of CC and PGC B leaders. · A steering committee will be supervising this team consisting of 8 rewarded energy experts. · The draft reference terms have been finalised. · New regional division of the globe. Now 8 different regions reflecting the drivers of the gas market flows and trade which is to be used along all committees.
International Gas Union IGU Executive Committee Meeting Highlights:
Progress Report from the Coordination Committee 3. Call for papers to the 24th World Gas Conference in 2009: 1 June 2008: Issuing call for papers 1 February 2009: Abstract submission 15 April 2009: Author notification 15 July 2009: Full paper submission
International Gas Union IGU Executive Committee Meeting Highlights:
Report on preparation for the 24th WGC in Buenos Aires, Argentina Mr. Eduardo Ojea Quintana, Chairman of the National Organising Committee (NOC) of the 24th WGC presented the progress of the preparations since the last meeting in October 2006. His speech covered information regarding conference update, exhibition, hotels & logistics and marketing activities. All in all the preparations were in good progress. The full presentation is available on the website.
International Gas Union IGU Executive Committee Meeting Highlights:
Status on the preparation of the next IGU Gas Research Conference (IGRC) The Secretary General gave some updates about the next IGRC conference. The IGRC conference takes place in Paris, October 2008 It was planned to have a 2.5-day conference with 4 keynote speakers, 45 papers and 300 posters. The deadline for abstracts for papers is the (now continued until ). More information can be found on
International Gas Union IGU Executive Committee Meeting Highlights:
Some notes from Secretary General The Secretary General introduced briefly the three papers prepared by the Secretariat. · General Promotion · Knowledge centre · The IGU Gas Efficiency Award He encouraged reading the papers and giving feedback to the Secretariat. The EXC took note of the papers without further comments IGU marketing plan The Secretary General introduced the idea of the marketing plan where possible target members are listed up with the description of former contact if existing. The EXC took note of the paper without further comment
International Gas Union IGU Executive Committee Meeting Highlights:
Finance The Secretary General presented the audited Accounts for 2006, which show a surplus of Euro. He noted that this year the payment for membership was behind compared to years before, and encouraged members to secure timely payment of the yearly subscription fee. The EXC endorsed the IGU Accounts for 2006 to the Council for approval in the next Council meeting.
International Gas Union IGU Executive Committee Meeting Highlights:
Membership The Secretary General referred to the paper “membership” and explained that there were currently no applications from new members. Nevertheless he expected Bulgaria to send an application soon. Furthermore the following countries might send applications by the next EXC meeting: Mexico, New Zealand, and Vietnam. Regarding Associate members, the Secretary General expects INGAA (International Gas Association of America) to become a member very soon.
International Gas Union IGU Executive Committee Meeting Highlights:
Miscellaneous The Secretary General announced to send out a letter in August to IGU Charter members regarding applications for taking over the Presidency of the Union in the Triennium and thus hosting the 26th World Gas Conference in 2015. The deadline for applications will be March 1st, 2008. The final decision will be taken at the Council meeting 2008 in Korea. The next EXC meeting will be in St. Petersburg, Russia on October 23, All information regarding the meetings in St. Petersburg is published on the IGU website.
International Gas Union
COORDINATION COMMITTEE MEETING Montreux Palace Hotel, Montreux , Switzerland - 4 May, 2007 Meeting attendees: 23 participants from 12 countries have taken part in the meeting
International Gas Union
IGU Coordination Committee Meeting Highlights: Update on IGU activities General P. Storm informed that, as planned, the IGU Secretariat will be moving to Oslo, following the election of Norway as the new country host as from October this year. He also informed that IGU has defined a marketing plan to include new members, and is currently targeting Bulgaria, Bahrain, Kuwait, New Zealand, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Mexico, Angola and Venezuela Knowledge Centre and Gas Efficiency Award “Efficiency Award” consisting on 2 yearly prizes of €5.000 for the best proposal on energy efficiency along the gas chain (4 prizes until 24 WGC) On the Knowledge Centre: - additional information will be available through the KC: an IGU library in DVD, IGU publications in and an interactive map. IGU Website The interactive map will display regional and country data, and will be soon fully installed in the website ( now at The website will offer an online meeting registration system
International Gas Union
IGU Coordination Committee Meeting Highlights: Update on IGU activities Comments/approval on minutes of CC meeting #1 in Lima The minutes were approved without observations. Joint activities with the International Energy Agency (IEA) R. Brandt displayed a slide detailing the extent of the collaboration plan agreed with IEA. IEA has also appointed a representative to the Steering Committee of IGU’s 2030 Natural Gas Industry Outlook study. R. Brandt informed that IGU will possibly be invited to participate, in the next International Energy Forum (IEF) meeting in March 2008. 2030 Natural Gas Industry Outlook Study (NGIO) R. Brandt made a presentation on the progress of this project, regarding its organisational structure, content and future steps. He also requested that this topic be included in all future meeting agendas. The new regional division considered for this project.
International Gas Union
Key questions to be submitted to WOC 1 WOC 1 (General) What are the estimated levels of reserves (tcm), where are they located (map) and what production capacity (bcm/annum) is consistent with base demand and price framework up to 2030? How much of these reserves are associated and non-associated, onshore and offshore? Is there a changing trend? How will this influence costs and technology needs? What are the estimated levels of upstream investments required until 2030 & the key constraints for new developments? What are the expected regional and temporal distribution of production peaks? (graphs) SG 1.1 What are the key drivers that will affect the development of the remaining conventional world gas resources and what will be their level of production in 2030? SG1.2 What is the estimated production in 2030 (bcm/annum) and reserve base (tcm) for difficult reservoirs and unconventional gas resources? What price levels will stimulate the development of difficult reservoirs and unconventional gas resources?
International Gas Union
IGU Coordination Committee Meeting Highlights: Update on IGU activities Joint Committee Meeting #1 on CO2 Sequestration K. Barland made a presentation providing details on the JCM organised for the 7-8 May this year, involving PGCA as coordinator, and WOC1, 2, 3 and 5. R. Brandt closed this point inviting the participants to propose other topics for a JCM. Initiative on “IGU Best Practice Ideas and Proposals”: status and next steps R. Brandt informed that a guidance pack would be prepared by TF R&D during the second half of 2007, and sent to the committees, and requested the Chairs to include this issue in the meeting agendas for 2008 and 2009. Possible coordination actions on questionnaires R. Brandt invited the Chairs to inform their colleagues of “subjet-related” committees about their future questionnaire issuing, in case some coordination should be developed to avoid sending successive forms to the same destination, reducing the effectiveness of replies.
International Gas Union
IGU Coordination Committee Meeting Highlights: Miscellanea Update on IGU Gas Marketing Committee (IGM) R. Brandt opened this point by explaining that IGM intends to contact people involved in marketing in the different companies with the objective of increasing the significance of their work to the gas industry, and requested the participants to extend this idea to the respective contact in their organisations, who should contact Marc Hall directly. M. Hall then followed with a presentation on the current progress of IGM. The presentation has been uploaded to IGU website Update on IGRC 2008 R. Aptroot presented the current status of IGRC 2008, providing the list of topics on which the technical forums will be established. R. Brandt informed that this will be an ongoing topic until October 2008, and invited the Chairs to include it in their future meeting agendas.
International Gas Union
IGU Coordination Committee Meeting Highlights: Miscellanea International Pipeline and Offshore Contractors Association (IPLOCA) P. Storm informed that this association was interested in extending ties with IGU. IPLOCA focuses on issues like safety and environmental impact, which could be of interest to PGCA and WOC3. Articles for IGU Magazine R. Brandt reminded the objective of having at least one article from each committee during the triennium. This could be from the committee itself, providing a preview of their work, or from a member of their committee, on the activities of company/organisation, as long as it was related to the scope of the committee.
International Gas Union IGU Coordination Committee Meeting Highlights:
Status reports from the committees The Chairmen of each committee provided a presentation on the status of their group’s work. (The full presentation of the CC membership can be found at the IGU web-site) The next CC meeting is confirmed on October 23rd 2007, in St Petersburg, Russia.
International Gas Union
The most interesting issues to be considered at incoming Council Meeting Council Meeting – Part 1 - Internal Affairs Information from the Presidency and the Secretary General · Representation · Presidency · Annual IGU Statements Election of a new Secretary General for the period Added value of membership · General promotion · Knowledge Centre · Interactive map · IGU Efficiency Award Membership · Changes regarding Charter- and Associate members · Resulting breakdown of membership and affiliated organisations · Marketing plan
International Gas Union
The most interesting issues to be considered at incoming Council Meeting Council Meeting – Part 2 - Progress on Programme Activities Progress report from the Coordination Committee (CC) · Status of the Triennial Work Programme (TWP) activities · The “2030 Natural Gas Industry Outlook” study · Joint Committee Meeting on CO2 Sequestration Report on preparation for the 24th World Gas Conference in Argentina Presentation by Mr. Eduardo Ojea Quintana, Chairman of the National Organising Committee (NOC) of the 24th World Gas Conference on 5-9 October 2009. Conferences supported by IGU: · IGRC, October 2008 in Paris Council Meeting – Part 3 - Energy Developments. Russian Gas industry and supplies to Europe. Presentation by a representative from Gazprom Round Table on key drivers for security of demand and supply in the world gas industry
International Gas Union
International Gas Union
WORLD GAS RESOURCES AND RESERVES AND ADVANCED DEVELOPMENT TECHNOLOGIES International Conference November 26-28, 2007, Moscow Region, VNIIGAZ The conference “World Gas Resources and Reserves and Advanced Development Technologies” will be held November 2007 at the VNIIGAZ premises (Moscow region). Managers and experts of Russian and foreign companies, suppliers of products and providers of services will meet to discuss new opportunities, relevant issues, the up-to-date developments and technologies in the field of world resources. Official languages are Russian and English. Speakers shall present their papers in any of these languages. Simultaneous translation will be provided.
International Gas Union
WORLD GAS RESOURCES AND RESERVES AND ADVANCED DEVELOPMENT TECHNOLOGIES The conference program will include four sessions (Plenary Session and three Technical Sessions) and the Panel Discussion. Technical Session A - Natural gas reserves and resources: Technical Session B – Methods and advanced technologies for prediction and prospecting of hydrocarbon gases accumulations Technical Session C – Unconventional gas: resources and development technologies: Poster Session: Recent experience in prospecting, exploration and development of natural gas fields. Round Table: The issue of meeting the demand for primary energy with use of conventional and unconventional natural gas sources.
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