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Revolutions Ideas change the world.

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Presentation on theme: "Revolutions Ideas change the world."— Presentation transcript:

1 Revolutions Ideas change the world

2 Connection to Today Who should determine the capability of someone to lead a country’s gov’t? When is it necessary to fight against the government? Is it ever right? What causes people to be willing to give up their lives in a fight against a government? Hawaii, Texas

3 Causes 1. Absolutism Monarchs believed in Divine Right and their right to absolute power God created the Monarchy and chose them as the rightful leader – it’s their GOD given RIGHT to be the MONARCH Often – this transferred via bloodline DIVINE RIGHT ABSOLUTISM

4 Causes 2. Enlightenment The ideas from the Enlightenment stirred up desire for change Common people became tired of not having a voice/representation Spiritual dominance over everyday practical life experiences fades to logic/reason

5 4 revolutions Britain – IDEAS America France South America

6 England Less absolute monarchy by 1600 than other countries (Magna Carta) – but still strong Have a Parliament, but king calls the shots Limited monarchy, unwritten constitution, but still a lot of power until late 1600’s

7 England BIG SHIFT(1688) William and Mary visit…
King’s power goes to Parliament! Bill of Rights Habeas Corpus Parties emerge (Whigs/Tories) Bill of Rights/ Habeas Corpus/ Parties (Whigs, Tories)

8 France Revolution Three Estates -First Estate: Clergy
-Second Estate: Nobility -Third Estate: everyone else 99% of population Kings bankrupt; taxes: 1st & 2nd exempt from most Les Mis, Count of Monte Cristo, Scarlet Pimpernel

9 France Revolution Louis XVI - Kings bankrupt - Taxes unfair

10 France So it begins… 1789 National Assembly formed when Estates General would not give 3rd Estate more vote, Tennis Court oath

11 France

12 France So it begins… 1789 National Assembly formed when Estates General would not give 3rd Estate more vote, Tennis Court oath 1789 Jul Storming Bastille, peasant riot, Estates joined

13 France

14 France So it begins… National Assembly formed when Estates General would not give 3rd Estate more vote, Tennis Court oath 1789 Jul – Storming Bastille, peasant riot, Estates joined 1789 Aug– Declaration of Rights 1791 – King tries to cross border (other monarchs worried) 1792 – War declared on Austria and Prussia, National Constitutional Convention ruled 1793 – tried and executed the king, called to liberate world from tyrants, armies spread, war w/almost all Europe, extremists come to power, committee of public safety, executed 2500 year

15 France

16 France So it begins… National Assembly formed when Estates General would not give 3rd Estate more vote, Tennis Court oath 1789 Jul – Storming Bastille, peasant riot, Estates joined 1789 Aug– Declaration of Rights 1791 – King tries to cross border (other monarchs worried) 1792 – War declared on Austria and Prussia, National Constitutional Convention ruled 1793 – tried and executed the king, called to liberate world from tyrants, armies spread, war w/almost all Europe, extremists come to power, committee of public safety, executed 2500 year 1794 – war going well, committee no longer needed, overthrew Robspierre 1799 – Napoleon In a Nutshell

17 France Napoleon -Large French Empire -Beaten by Russia -Codified Law

18 France

19 EFFECTS Representative governments
Right vs Left – Right: conservative, stay the same/ Left: social change

20 EFFECTS Representative governments Nationalism Extreme patriotism

21 EFFECTS Representative governments Nationalism Individual Rights

22 Decleration of Independence
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal , that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness” link

23 Decleration of the Rights of man and the Citizen
“The aim of all political association is the preservation of the natural and imprescriptible rights of man. These rights are liberty, property, security, and resistance to oppression” link Revolutions in 1848 – France, Italy, Austria, Prussia

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