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Ruby Testing 2, 11/9/2004.

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1 Ruby Testing 2, 11/9/2004

2 What is Ruby? Scripting language, developed by Yukihiro “Matz” Matsumoto Current version = 1.8

3 Ruby Documentation Pickaxe book (shown last class)
ri command ri <Class name> Ruby Cheat Sheet (on blackboard)

4 Running Ruby Command line Eclipse SciTE irb ruby –w <file name>
More later SciTE Demo irb

5 Ruby in Eclipse Download Ruby Development Tool from Nowhere near the functionality of Java in Eclipse In preferences, set path to ruby bin directory

6 Ruby Basics Everything is an object
Comments start with # and go until end of line Methods are created using def…end

7 Ruby Naming Initial letter Multi-word names End characters
Local variables, method parameters, and method names  lowercase letter or underscore Global variable  $ Instance variable Class variable  Class names, module names, constants  uppercase letter Multi-word names Instance variables  separate words with underscores Class names  use MixedCase End characters ? Indicates method that returns true or false to a query ! Indicates method that modifies the object in place rather than returning a copy

8 Blocks Allow passing chunks of code in to methods
Single line blocks enclosed in {} Multi-line blocks enclosed in do…end Receiving method uses “yield” command to call passed code (can call yield multiple times) Can use parameters [ 1, 3, 4, 7, 9 ].each {|i| puts i }

9 Strings in Ruby Quotes matter!
Strings in “” (double quotes) have replacement processing on them \<char> replacement (like C -- \n = newline, etc) Expression replacement (“Variable x = #{x}” would have the value of x substituted for the #{x}) Strings in ‘’ (single quotes) are treated as literals with no processing Strings in `` (back ticks) are treated as commands to be executed by the operating system

10 Control structures If…elsif…else…end unless <condition> … end
while <condition>… end until <condition>… end case when <condition> then <value>… else… end #.times (e.g. 5.times()) #.upto(#) (e.g. 3.upto(6)) <collection>.each {block}

11 Ruby equivalents in Java
null toString() extends constructor name = class name try…catch import Ruby nil to_s < constructor name = initialize begin…end…rescue require

12 Test::Unit Very similar to JUnit require ‘test/unit’
Class MyTestClass < Test::Unit::TestCase Use “flunk” instead of JUnit’s “fail”

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