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Presentation on theme: "FRONTIERS OF MATTER XI th RENCONTRES DE BLOIS"— Presentation transcript:

Chateau de Blois, France June 27 - July 3, 1999 A Next Generation B-physics CP Violation Experiment The Expected Physics Performance Paul Colrain (CERN)

2 History and Future August : Letter of Intent for a new collider mode b experiment at the LHC to exploit the b physics potential (30 institutes, 171 collaborators) February : Technical Proposal (42 institutes, 336 collaborators) September : Approval : Technical Design Reports : Production and Installation ? : Data Taking From day 1 of LHC Operation for many years

3 The Collaboration 49 institutes

4 The Physics : What is the origin of CP Violation?
The CKM Unitarity Triangles in 2005 (~108 bb): Vtd Vtb + Vcd Vcb + Vud Vub = 0 Vtd Vud + Vts Vus + Vtb Vub = 0 Bd , , D* |Vub| xs Bs  Ds  xs |Vub| BD* BDK*, BsDsK Bd  J/ Ks  Bs  J/  sin2 measured to  0.05 by BaBar, Belle, HERA-B, CDF, D0 sin2 measured by BaBar, Belle (+CDF, D0 ?) with low statistics and and potentially serious theoretical uncertainties sin(2+) measured by BaBar and Belle  not measured No direct  measurement xs measured by CDF, D0 (if xs  40)  |Vub| measured but with large hadronic error

5 The Physics (Continued)
CP Violation in 2005 : Either Standard Model is “Alive” ! 1st Generation  and Mixing measurements and Kaon results are Consistent (within error) with SM interpretation of CKM matrix Or Standard Model is “Dead” !  and Mixing measurements and Kaon results are Inconsistent with SM  New Physics ! Either Way What is the Origin of CP Violation ? CKM matrix must be Over-Constrained : With Higher Statistics measure the same parameters (, , 2+) using the same channels Cross-check the same parameters using New Channels (BR  10-7) Measure New Parameters (, ) Study the Bs Sector  Next Generation CP Violation Experiment at LHC

6 The Physics (Continued)
LHC provides High statistics, L  2  1032 cm-2s-1, bb  500 b  Nbb  1012/year and All species of B hadrons, including Bs LHCb is designed specifically to exploit this b physics potential : Efficient Trigger Particle Identification(e,,,K,p) - High pt hadron trigger - High pt lepton trigger - Secondary vertex trigger - Background Suppression (/K separation) - Flavour Tagging (, e, K) Good Mass Resolution Good Proper Time Resolution - Background Suppresion - Background Suppresion - CP Asymmetry in Bs

7 The Detector Single Arm Spectrometer : 15 mrad <  < 300 mrad
Beam-pipe, radiation Cost v Statistics b and b produced predominantly at low   good acceptance (~40%) for both b and b Essential for tagging Forward geometry  low threshold on trigger pt cuts  efficient trigger

8 The Vertex Detector 17 Silicon Strip (r,) Detectors
inside the Beam Pipe at 1cm from the beam during physics Retractable by 3cm during injection Provides excellent vertex and proper time resolution : Primary Vertex resolution = 40 m (along beam axis) Proper time resolution = 40 fs

9 The RICH Detectors RICH 1 RICH 2 Pattern Recognition in RICH 1
Photodetectors Pattern Recognition in RICH 1 red dots are detected photo-electrons black circles are reconstructed rings RICH RICH 2 upstream downstream 1 < p < 70 GeV/c 20 < p < 150 GeV/c Small circles C4F10 Large circles Aerogel

10 Particle Identification with RICH
-K separation > 3 for 1 < p < 150 GeV/c Suppression of same topology backgrounds Flavour tagging (b  c  K) Example : B  +- ()

11 The Detector (Continued)
Tracking System (11 stations) Inner tracker : Micro Strip Gas Chambers (MSGC) and (40cm60cm) p/p = 0.3% for Gaseous Electron Multipliers (GEM) Outer Tracker : Straw Tube Drift Chambers 5<p<200GeV/c Magnet : Warm Dipole, 4 Tm Field Integral Calorimetry Pre-Shower : Single Pb layer and Scintillators ECAL : “shashlik”, 25 X0 (E)/E = 0.1/E  0.015 HCAL : Fe and Scintillating Tiles, 5.6  (E)/E = 0.8/E  0.05 Muon System Cathode Pad Chambers (CPC) in high rate regions and either Resistive Plate Chambers (RPC) or Wire Pad/Strip Chambers (WPC) in low rate regions Calorimetry and Muon System = 22

12 The Trigger Challenge : incl/bb  160, input rate = 40 MHz, output rate = 200 Hz Efficient : High pt leptons and hadrons at L0 Flexible : Multilevel with different ingredients Robust : Evenly spread data reduction at each level Level Description Detectors Data rates Latency high pt muon (~20%) Muon Chambers high pt electron (~10%) ECAL high pt hadron (~60%) ECAL+HCAL high pt photon ECAL pile-up veto Dedicated Si disks MHz  1 MHz s identification of secondary vertices Vertex Detector MHz  40 kHz s refined secondary vertices Vertex Detector + (SW) Tracker kHz  5 kHz ms reconstruction of specific decay modes (SW) All Detectors kHz  200 Hz ms 25% b purity

13 The Trigger (Continued)
Trigger efficiencies (%, for reconstructed and tagged events) : L L L2 Total  e h all BdJ/(ee)KS + tag BdJ/()KS + tag BsDsK + tag BdDK       Bd + tag Lepton trigger Hadron Trigger Trigger Efficiency ~30% The Flavour Tag Uses the decay products from the accompanying b-hadron b  e or  and b  c  K (Jet Charge Tag not yet studied) Overall efficiency(K-tag dominant) = 40%, mistag rate = 30%

14 Direct Measurement of 
Extract  from the relative rates of : (K* tags the flavour of the parent Bd) Bd  D0 K*0 events hadron trigger -K separation Visible BRs ~  Performance (1 year) : m= 13 MeV/c2 No of events  350 (50) D0K*0 (D0K*0) S/B  1 ()  10

15 Measurement of -2 Extract -2 from the 4 BsDsK time-dependent decay rates Indirect measurement of  ( from BsJ/) Visible BR ~ 10-6 BsDs background  Bs oscillations Hadron trigger -K separation good proper time resolution t Performance (1 year) : No of events  2500 S/B  10 (-2)  6-13 Precision depends on , xs and strong Negligible theory error(no penguins)    1/Nyears

16 Measurement of  Extract  from time-dependant CP Asymmetry in Bs  J/   Counterpart of BdJ/ Ks  In SM  ~ 10-2  good place to look for new physics J/  is a mixture of CP-even and CP-odd states  dilution of CP Asymmetry  need angular analysis to separate contributions bb efficient trigger good proper time resolution, t Visible BR ~ 10-5 Bs oscillations Performance (1 year) : ()  0.6  SM sensitivity in 1 year

17 LHCb CP Sensitivities in 1 year
bb and trigger LHCb CP Sensitivities in 1 year Parameter Channels No of events (1 year) LHCb feature  Bd + c.c (2+ = +-) |P/T| = -5 -K sep. |P/T|=0.20 ?? -K sep. Bd  D*  -K sep.  BdJ/Ks  -2 Bs DsK -13 -K sep., t  Bd  DK*  -K sep.  Bs  J/  t Bs oscillations xs Bs  Ds upto t Rare Decays Br Bs   <2 t No Bd  K*  photon trigger

18 Summary LHCb is a 2nd Generation CP Violation Experiment :
 Massive Statistics  ~1012 bb events per year (Bd, Bs, b baryons,...)  trigger efficient in all modes (hadron trigger)  Particle Identification  negligible background systematics in CP measurements  efficient flavour tag (Kaon)  Excellent proper time resolution (t ~ 40 fs)  Precision measurements in Bs system LHCb offers a unique opportunity to improve our understanding of the origin of CP Violation either within the framework of the SM or Beyond !


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