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Meaningful Progress Reports

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1 Meaningful Progress Reports
Start YouTube video at 48 seconds & end at 2:32. A little humor, although sad truth, to begin…

2 What is the purpose of progress reports?
To share data with: parents Why? students Why? teachers Why?

3 Progress Cycle Start with PLAAFP
Develop goals that are measureable and meaningful Provide specialized instruction Collect ongoing data Identify progress based on data Determine if changes need to be made to IEP

4 What are components of a meaningful progress report?
Jargon free Based only on data for specific goal Assessment used Dates

5 What data Do you collect?
Class data Focus Math Grades Envision 2.0 Dibels CBM Reading Mastery PCI Corrective Reading Attainment CFA Rewards

6 Which of the following indicate information that is sufficient for a progress report?

7 Which of the following indicate information that is sufficient for a progress report?

8 Case Law There have been case laws surrounding writing standard based IEP’s and maintaining appropriate data and progress toward the goals.

9 Appropriate IEP Goals School chose goals from a goalbank in their IEP program based on grade level standard. Parents challenged the IEP because it was not based on individual need. The court concluded that the goals were inappropriate given new assessment data showing the student way below grade level. It was deemed that there was no educational benefit to student beyond what he would have received in the general education class. The school had not done appropriate progress monitoring and data collection on the goal. The student received compensatory services.

10 Using this data, How would you write the progress report?
IEP Goal Collected Data SW increase reading fluency from 35 WPM with 6 Errors to 50 WPM with less than 4 errors on a 2nd grade level reading passage 3 out of 4 trials. Jan 1 30 wpm 7 errors Jan 15 35 wpm 6 errors Jan 30 40 wpm 4 errors Feb 7 Feb 19 March 1

11 Ctess connection If you were writing your CTESS reflection, based on that goal and data, what would that reflection look like?

12 Question/answer How often do we have to produce IEP progress reports?
Are we required to create IEP progress reports? Yes. It is a federal law that you report progress for students with disabilities as often as you report progress for any other student. We require the use of the progress reports from Goalview.. How often do we have to produce IEP progress reports? In Canyons, it is expected that you send progress reports 3 or 4 times per year – this depends on how many report cards are sent home. (quarter, trimester, semester) Is the general education report card sufficient to address student progress? No. The report card addresses grade level expectations and does not provide information regarding progress towards specialized instruction and targeted goals.

13 Question/Answer What if you inherit IEPs with goals that are not measurable? ~ You need to be aware of the goals and their measurability before you start updating progress reports. If you do not think you will be able to measure the goals, then you should discuss as an IEP team the possibility of amending the IEP to contain usable goals. Is it all right to put “not addressed” on the progress report? ~ Yes. If it is a goal you have not yet worked on, then you can choose “not addressed”. Be careful that you don’t have all goals within a reporting period marked with “not addressed”. Goals should be addressed at some point through the IEP year. Why would progress reports be important for me as a teacher? 1. quickly communicates progress to parents, students & other colleagues 2. guides future instruction and CTESS reflection 3. keeps you within the law of reporting progress 4. allows you to consistently check goals and measurability

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