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Attribute-Based Encryption for Fine-Grained Access Control of Encrypted Data 20103350 An, Sanghong KAIST 2010 2010. 3. 11.

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Presentation on theme: "Attribute-Based Encryption for Fine-Grained Access Control of Encrypted Data 20103350 An, Sanghong KAIST 2010 2010. 3. 11."— Presentation transcript:

1 Attribute-Based Encryption for Fine-Grained Access Control of Encrypted Data
An, Sanghong KAIST 2010

2 Contents Introduction Background Construction for Access Trees
Proof of Security Large Universe Construction Delegation of Private Keys Applications KAIST CS

3 Introduction How can we control access with fine-grained manner?
Just encrypting data is not enough Needs of restrictive access (Audit log access, IP log access…) Keywords Fine-grained Access Control Secret-Sharing Scheme KAIST CS

4 Background Definition : Access Structure Attributes = parties
A set of parties: P = {P1, P2, … , Pn} A monotone collection A ⊆2P,{Φ}∈/A Authorized set S : S ∈A Attributes = parties KAIST CS

5 Background Attribute Based Encryption scheme
Selective-Set Model for ABE CPA(Chosen-Plaintext Attack) PK Setup A : Access Structure PK : Public parameter MK : Master Key E : Ciphertext D : Decryption Key(Private Key) Message m Encryption Set of Attributes γ MK E PK Key Generation D M if γ ∈A Decryption A KAIST CS

6 Background Bilinear Map Decisional Bilinear-Diffie-Hellman Assumption
G1, G2 : multiplicative cyclic groups of prime order p g : generator of G1 e : bilinear map, e: G1 X G1  G2 e(ua,ub) = e(u,v)ab, e(g,g) ≠ 1 Decisional Bilinear-Diffie-Hellman Assumption KAIST CS

7 Construction for Access Tree
Access Tree T Non-leaf node x : (kx,n) , t : threshold value n : # of children Leaf node described by an attribute att(x) : attribute associated with leaf node x index(x) : unique index value for node x Tx(γ) = 1 if γ satisfies the access tree Tx At least kx children returns 1 for Tx’(γ), Tx(γ) = 1 For leaf node, Tx(γ) = 1 iff att(x) ∈ γ KAIST CS

8 Construction for Access Tree
Init G1 : multiplicative cyclic groups of prime order p g : generator of G1 e : bilinear map Δi,S for i ∈Zp : Lagrange Coefficient S⊆ Zp KAIST CS

9 Construction for Access Tree
Setup U : universe of attributes = {1,2,…,n} ti : Randomly generated for i ∈ U, from Zp y = Randomly generated number from Zp Public Parameter PK Ti = g^ti , Y = e(g,g)y Master Key MK t1, … , t|U|, y KAIST CS

10 Construction for Access Tree
Encryption(M, γ, PK) M ∈G2, γ : a set of attributes s : Randomly generated number from Zp Ciphertext E E = (γ, E’ = MYs, {Ei = Tis}i ∈ γ) KAIST CS

11 Construction for Access Tree
Key Generation(T, PK) Generate a Key that decrypt encrypted message when Tr(γ) = 1 For each node x Degree dx of polynomial qx dx = kx -1 qr(0) = y, a proper polynomial qr for dr qx(0) = qparent(x)(index(x)) Decryption Key D = {D1, … Dn} Dx = g^(qx(0)/ti), where i = att(x) KAIST CS

12 Construction for Access Tree
Decryption(E, D) Recursive Algorithm DecryptNode(E,D,x) For leaf node DecryptNode(E,D,x) = e(Dx, Ei) = e(g,g)s qx(0) if i ∈ γ = ┴, otherwise For non-leaf node DecryptNode(E,D,x) = Fx For all x’s childeren z, Fz = DecryptNode(E,D,z) If Fz≠ ┴, put z into a set S KAIST CS

13 Proof of Security Reduce Selective-set model to Decisional BDH
Thm. If an adversary can break the scheme in the Attribute-based Selective-Set model, then a simulator can be constructed to play the Decisional BDH game with a non-negligible advantage. Pf) Reduction to absurdity SSM advantage = ε, but D-BDH advantage = ε/2 KAIST CS

14 Large Universe Construction
Hash function and arbitrary strings KAIST CS

15 Delegation of Private Keys
Delegate Key for sharing T’ : more restrictive than T (T’ ⊆ T) Adding a new trivial gate to T Manipulating existing (t,n)-gate in T To (t+1, n)-gate with (t+1)≤n To (t+1, n+1)-gate To (t, n-1)-gate with t≤(n-1) Re-randomizing the obtained key KAIST CS

16 Applications Audit Log Application Targeted Broadcast
Can’t collude to try to extract unauthorized information from the audit log Targeted Broadcast Broadcast with a label with attributes about the program User subscribes “packages” which have attributes of a program Selective broadcast KAIST CS

17 References V.Goyal and O.Pandey. Attribute-Based Encryption for Fine-Grained Access Control of Encrypted Data, 2006 A.Sahai and B.Water. Fuzzy Idnetity Based Encryption. In Advances in Cryptology –Eurocrypt, 2005 KAIST CS

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