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Timo Mäkelä Director, Sustainable Development and Integration

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1 Update on developments in European environment policy DIMESA 2009 Luxembourg, 15 June 2009
Timo Mäkelä Director, Sustainable Development and Integration Environment Directorate General European Commission

2 A green deal for Europe The financial/economic crisis has had a substantial impact on our economic system, BUT… it also provides a unique opportunity to green the economy EU Economic Recovery Package : €5 billion from EU budget (mostly for energy investments, 10% offshore wind energy) Member States National recovery plans: €400 billion (3.3% of EU GDP):  different approaches among MSs Up-to-date environmental accounts for analysis needed

3 2009 last year of current Commission and Parliament
Last 5 years: significant steps to progress on environmental issues EU led global fight against climate change new greenhouse gas and renewables targets for 2020 REACH, the Air Quality Directive, expansion of NATURA 2000 network, Waste Framework Directive…. Good achievements but more needs to be done not least to improve the implementation of EU environment legislation

4 Policy initiatives since last DIMESA (1)
Major progress on climate change policy:  Kyoto Progress report indicates that EU-15 will meet the -8% Kyoto objective Second Strategic Energy Review (November 2008)  Adoption of Climate and Energy package «  » by Parliament and Council (December 2008)  White paper on Adaptation to climate change (April 2009)

5 Policy initiatives since last DIMESA (2)
Nature and biodiversity Mid-term Review of the Biodiversity Action Plan (December 2008) Combat global deforestation (October 2008) Proposal for a Regulation on timber and timber products traders Communication to halve gross tropical deforestation and halt global forest loss

6 Policy initiatives since last DIMESA (3)
Environment and health: Greening transport (July 2008) Marine Strategy Framework Directive (June 2008)

7 Policy initiatives since last DIMESA (4)
Sustainable Consumption and Production Action Plan on SCP and Sustainable Industrial Policy (July 2008) Commission proposals: Ecodesign Directive, Energy Labelling Directive; revised Ecolabel Revised Waste Framework Directive (adopted by Council in November 2008) Retail Forum (launched in March 2009)

8 Measuring progress in a changing world by
complementing GDP EU: Beyond GDP (Communication on preparation) OECD Global Project on Measuring Progress (3rd OECD World Forum in 2009) National initiatives (e.g. France: Stiglitz-Commission on the « Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress”) Think tanks (e.g. nef - new economics foundation: Draft report on line National Accounts of Well-being ) Press (e.g. Financial Times (UK), DIE ZEIT (DE); Le Monde (FR))

9 Use of indicators  Better communication on EU progress towards environmental challanges Example: Environment Policy Review 2008 More indicators on new priorities (e.g. natural disasters linked to climate change) and progress to targets (e.g. CO2 emissions from new cars) Different communication tools Graphs, tables and simple assessment    Timeliness increased

10 DG Environment needs Analysis of recovery programmes would greatly profit from comprehensive environmental accounts. Environmental Goods and Services Sectors data collection next year is important Quicker reaction from official statistics to emerging data needs, anticipation of needs. Timeliness and now-casting

11 Thank you for your attention.

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