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Database Practice BVH Library.

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Presentation on theme: "Database Practice BVH Library."— Presentation transcript:

1 Database Practice BVH Library

2 Narrowing your Topic Basic Information: My Example: Transcendentalism
Aspect of Transcendentalism that interests you Connection to contemporary life Problem Final, narrowed topic Transcendentalism Belief in living closer to nature Livestock/food industry Too sanitized to recognize life behind the package The modern livestock industry distances us from nature and where our food came from. Basic Information: My Example:

3 Forming a Question My topic: The modern livestock/food industry distances us from nature and where our food came from. My question: How has the modern food industry and the sanitized packaging of meat products distanced us from nature, and why is this a problem?

4 Search Terms & Synonyms
food industry livestock packaging nature commercial marketing factory farming

5 Advanced Searches Always Select "Full Text" Understand Search Options:
Keyword: natural language, more flexible, yields more results Subject: "controlled vocabulary," less flexible, potentially more relevant Use Boolean operators to specify searches AND: narrows a search OR: broadens a search NOT: excludes certain terms

6 Practice Advanced Search: Example
Search Terms Used: livestock, packaging livestock AND packaging: 38 results livestock OR packaging: 1,798 livestock NOT packaging: 1,045

7 Be patient, and think outside the box!
You will NOT find an article written about your topic in direct relation to Transcendentalism (i.e. the "magic" article)! Use the information you find in the articles and apply it to Transcendentalism.

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