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Eschatology The Judgments Part 3.

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1 Eschatology The Judgments Part 3

2 The Judgment of Antichrist and the False Prophet
The first judgment flowing out of the battle will be the judgment of the devil’s ___________. (Rev. 19: 20) The Antichrist and the false prophet, the master deceivers of the Tribulation Period will be cast _________ in the lake of fire. Their destiny is predetermined, their judgment already set, and therefore no tribunal needed. The judgment of Satan waits for a __________years. The Judgment of the Nations Realizing that multitudes will _________ in the battle of Armageddon, there will still be people around the world who survive the Tribulation. These will be judged by Christ. According to the prophet Joel the judgment will transpire in the valley of Jehoshaphat, attending the battle of Armageddon. (Joel 3:9-16 ) The basis for the judgment will be the __________ of the nations to the plight of Israel under persecution by the Antichrist. (Mat. 25:31-46)

3 The price for ____________ toward Israel will not be unlike the atrocities perpetrated by Nazi Germany against anyone who sheltered the Jews. With the mark of the beast defining ____________ transactions (Rev. 13:16-18), food already scarce will be denied both the Jews and the sheep nations who shelter the Jews. In short the _______ nations will receive the mark of the beast and align themselves completely with the Antichrist and his program. These will be destroyed completely and go _______________ into hell. The sheep nations who respond to Israel because they recognize the God of Israel will go alive into the Millennium to ______________ the world. The goat nations will hear Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels. This judgment coupled with the judgment of Israel will be for the purpose of determining who pass into the Millennium ________. It is important to understand that by the end of the two judgments, there will not be an _________ person alive on the face of the earth. The Judgment of Israel Since the Tribulation Period is very much about God dealing with the nation of Israel, it is important to see the __________ of those dealings. A significant number of Jews will come to the light of the gospel early in the Tribulation Period.

4 This indicated by the large body of Jewish ____________ referenced
This indicated by the large body of Jewish ____________ referenced. (Rev. 7:1-8) The effect of the testimony will be the ____________ of many people around the world. (Rev. 7:9-12) This does not mean that every Jew will trust Christ. Many will _______. The parable of the ten virgins indicates that some will be ready when Christ returns in the Revelation at the end of the Tribulation and others will not. The context of Matthew 25 is ___________ Jewish. The imagery is the grand processional to the marriage feast to which the virgins aspire to be guests. Unfortunately some are not ___________ and miss the event. (Mat. 25:1-13 ) The subjects of this judgment will be the Jews, gathered from around the world. The site of the judgment will be the ____________, presumably in the land of Israel. (Eze. 20:33-38) Because of the purging, the only survivors will be ________ Jews which fulfills the promise of Rom. 11: Going alive into the Millennium these Jews will experience the fulfillment of the ___________ to Abraham and David.

5 Old Testament and Tribulation Saints
That there will be a resurrection, judgment, and eternal blessing is evident both in the character of God and the ______________ of His dealings with the Church. The problem lies in the fact that the Scriptures are _________ as to the timing and location. That they are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb (Revelation 19:9) as guests of the feast is also evident. Tribulation saints are ___________ in the millennial reign of Christ. (Rev. 20:4; Dan. 12:1,2) We may rest assured that our righteous God _______ do right for and with these non-church saints. Part of the wonder of the Millennium will be to see how all the pieces of the puzzle fit together __________. Until then, we should not trouble ourselves about issues that the Bible does not address.

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