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Animal Behaviour Part II

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1 Animal Behaviour Part II

2 Behavioural Traits can Evolve by Natural Selection….
This can occur… Ex1. Between closely related species Ex2. Within animal species

3 Ex 1:Between closely related species:
Drosophilia: different courtship songs Voles: some species both males and females care for young, in others only maternal care

4 Ex 2:Within animal species:
There is variation in Prey Selection Among animals California coastal snakes vs inland snakes CCS eat yellow slugs while inland snakes refuse them (feed on frogs)

5 Natural selection favours behaviours that increase survival and reproductive success through…
Foraging Behaviour (incudes eating and mechanisms used to recognize, search & capture food) Mating Behaviour ( aka. Sexual selection)

6 1. Foraging Behaviour Considers the compromise btw. Nutrition benefits vs. the cost of obtaining food (aka.Optimal Foraging Theory) Example: Bluegill sunfish preying on Daphnia; will select larger prey bc they supply most energy *Note: Larger fish for more energy, but also select smaller if the larger prey are further away

7 1.Foraging Behaviour cont’d
Risk of Predation is the most significant cost to a forager Example: Mule deer are preyed upon by mountain lions Therefore, they feed in open areas, avoiding both forest edge and interiors

8 Mating Behaviour Includes seeking /attracting mates, choosing mates, & competing for mates Let’s explore: Mating systems and parental care Sexual Selection and Mate Choice

9 1.Mating systems and parental care
Types of Relationships: Promiscuous= no strong pair-bonds/ relationships Monogamous= one male mating with one female/ strong pair bonds Polygamous= multiple mates

10 1.Mating systems and parental care
PARENTAL INVESTMENT= time/resources expended for raising offspring Ex: monogomy->more successful offspring if males help nurture partner Vs. Polygamy->males maximize reprodutive success by seeking multiple mates

11 Sexual Selection is a form of Natural Selection…
Intersexual Selection= choosing mates on the basis of specific characteristics (ie.mating songs, courtship dances) Ex: Male competition for mates Agonistic behaviour Stronger males= Better reproductive abilities “ more fit”

12 Game Theory strategies whereby the outcome depends on each individual’s strategy and the strategies of other individuals E.g. Side-blotched lizard 3 Male phenotypes: Orange throatmost aggressive &defend large territories Blue throat  aggessive & defend smaller territories Yellow throat  nonterritorial and mimic females Therefore, the relative success of males varies with the abundance of other types.

13 Altruism A.k.a. selflessness Example.
Increasing the fitness of the population as a whole, even at the expense of their own Example. 1 -Ground squirrels give a high-pitched alarm call alerting all indivuals In this case there is greater risk to squirrel 2 - Bee societies: workers sting intruders to Protect hive

14 Inclusive Fitness Total effect an individual has on proliferating its genes by: 1)reproducing 2) Helping relatives raise offspring

15 Hamilton’s Rule A quantitative measure for predicting when altruism will be favoured by natual selection Altruistic acts depends on: 1.Benefit to the recipient[ B] 2.Cost to the altruist: [C] 3.Coefficient of relatedness:[ r] probability that a particular gene present in one individual will also be present in the second individual Note : Altruistic act is favoured if: rB > C

16 Kin selection Inclusive fitness; individuals help relatives raise young

17 Reciprocal Altruism No kinship; behave altruistically
Occurs in species with stable social groups “Tit for tat strategy” Examples: Wolves: food offerings

18 Social Learning Learning through observing others
Forms the roots of culture Mate choice copying= individuals copy the mate choice of others Example: female guppies who generally prefer orange males will select non- orange males b/c they see other females engaging courtship with non-orange males

19 Evolution and Human Culture: Things to consider…
Why do you think that certain behavior characteristics in humans exist? Are they expression of genes perpetuated by natural selection? Or non-genetic, environmental factors? What defines acceptable behavior in humans? What examples of unacceptable behaviour might enhance an individual’s Darwinian fitness?

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