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Balance Training Bicycle 2.0 P10001

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1 Balance Training Bicycle 2.0 P10001
Kristin Gagliardi - PM (ME) Chris Crowley (ME) Tim Williams (ME) Dan Bradshaw (EE) Lindsay Power (ISE) This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Award No. BES Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

2 Current State of the Design
Need to add guards and paint Deliver to customer Include repair/part ordering information

3 Project Plan Analysis Some delay in part ordering
Tilt lock was troublesome Initial release of bike was behind schedule Delayed do to failure of key electrical components Testing was rushed Customer was unable to provide feedback at end stages

4 Kristin’s Responsibilities
Project Manager Flywheel/Pedal Subsystem FEA/Structural Analysis Conference Paper Organized EDGE

5 Chris’ Responsibilities
Conference Paper Machining, Welding and Assembly Tilt Lock Mechanism Flywheel and Brake System Tubing Resistance Poster Display Assembly

6 Tim’s Responsibilities
Strength Tubing Feasibility Tests Tubing Resistance Tilt Axis Angles Tubing End Conditions Tilt Rope Safety Stops Machining and Assembly

7 Dan’s Responsibilities
Layout PCB Populate and verify PCB functionality Display Assembly Verify Sensor functionality Conference Paper

8 Lindsay’s Responsibilities
Assist with Bike Assembly Assist with Display Assembly Conference Paper Poster Instruction Manual

9 Deliverables Posted to EDGE
Conference Paper Poster Final Presentation Bill of Materials Photo Gallery Test Plans

10 Successes and Failures
Made PCB instead of having lots of loose wire. Incorporated volume control for the speaker output Realistic Pedal and Tilt Feel Stable, strong base Removal of winch system Failures Very little objective data is provided PCB has errors on it Project Plan was too optimistic

11 Lessons Learned Always have several back-up plans
When in the concept design phase, don’t discount ideas that seem too simple/easy Spend more time working together as a complete group sharing ideas.  Continuous communication with guide and customer Check your work many times for small errors. Make sure all avenues are thoroughly researched before selecting an option. Order parts week 1 and check orders

12 Suggestions for the Future
Incorporate additional objective data sensors Incorporate everything on to 1 PCB including resizing holes of potentiometers Improve Layout of PCB so that it is easier to mount into a box. Change to a digital type display rather than an analog meter. Make wire harnesses. Replace op-amps that supply the 6V rail with a linear voltage regulator. •Perform a patient usability study so that improvements can be made based on what the patients do not like about the bike. •Experiment with different materials to improve the realistic feel of the resistance.

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