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ATLAS Tile Calorimeter Interface The 8th Workshop on Electronics for LHC Experiments, Colmar, 9-13 September 2002 K. Anderson, A. Gupta, J. Pilcher, H.Sanders,

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Presentation on theme: "ATLAS Tile Calorimeter Interface The 8th Workshop on Electronics for LHC Experiments, Colmar, 9-13 September 2002 K. Anderson, A. Gupta, J. Pilcher, H.Sanders,"— Presentation transcript:

1 ATLAS Tile Calorimeter Interface The 8th Workshop on Electronics for LHC Experiments, Colmar, 9-13 September 2002 K. Anderson, A. Gupta, J. Pilcher, H.Sanders, F. Tang, R. Teuscher, H. Wu The University of Chicago Introduction Interface Design Performance and Radiation Test Results Production Quality Control Conclusions

2 INTRODUCTION: TileCal and Its Readout Electronics
64 modules in barrel region (r1=2.28M r2=4.23M L=5.64M) 128 modules in extended regions (r1=2.28M r2=4.23M L= 2.65M) 256 electronics drawers (64x4) TileCal Interface Interface

3 INTRODUCTION: TileCal and Its Readout Electronics
Each Electronics Drawer Contains Following Electronics Boards: 45 PMT Blocks in barrel region 31 PMT Blocks in extended regions One Front-end Electronics 3-in-1 Card Per PMT Block PMT High Voltage Boards 3-in-1 Motherboard (4 sections) 8 Trigger Summing Cards in barrel region (Stacked on 3-in-1 Motherboard) 6 Trigger Summing Cards in extended region. 1 Source Calibration Card 8 Digitizer Boards in barrel region 6 Digitizer Boards in extended regions 1 Interface Card (Stacked on one of Digitizer Boards)

4 INTRODUCTION: Interface Location in Electronics Drawer
A total of 256 Interface cards needed (One per drawer) Card dimensions: 189x100mm Located near center of drawer Receive TTC optical signals in electronics drawer for functional and timing controls Convert to LVDS signals and distribute to 8 digitizer boards and 3-in-1 mother board Transfer event data from digitizer boards to RODs Input from 8 Digitizer Boards (from 16 Tile-DMU chips) Output to off-detector ROD modules via G-link

Complete 2-fold redundancy to ROD. (except for LVDS receivers) Avoid single point of failure for data from full drawer Output data robust against transient SEE errors on link TTC failure detection and automatic switch function Interface automatic selects a TTC signal based on signal failure conditions

6 INTERFACE DESIGN: Goals (Cont.1)
Data Organizer Collect data from 16 Tile-DMUs in parallel based on Tile-DMU output protocol Repack 32-bit data words from scrambled data transferred over 2-bit LVDS data lines (40Mpbs) Insensitive to timing differences related to digitizer board geometry CRC-16 and Global CRC transmission error checks over input and output segments Altera EP20K160E

7 INTERFACE DESIGN: Goals (Cont.2)
Data Organizer G-link protocol control logic. 640Mbps output data rate (371Mbps required for 100Khz LVL1A rate) Low Cost FPGA designs Altera EP20K200E On-board JTAG configuration port Single 3.3V Power Supply Altera EP20K160E

TTC Receiver Output Waveforms

9 INTERFACE DESIGN:Structure of Data Organizer

10 INTERFACE DESIGN: Tile-DMU data stream format

11 INTERFACE DESIGN: Tile-DMU data stream format

12 INTERFACE DESIGN: Repacked stream data format

13 INTERFACE DESIGN: G-link Optical Transmitter (Taiwan)
max3288cue From G-link Serializer VCSEL Diode Serializer Output Waveforms

14 TEST RESULTS: System Readout Performance
Muon response for the 3 sampling depths (q=90o) Pedestal Superimposed Using “signal” from empty events Width reflects energy algorithm as well as electronics 10 digitizations for each measurement (not optimized) Muon signal well resolved from pedestal

15 TEST RESULTS: Radiation Requirements
Interface located at z=160cm r=410cm Radiation Type Sim. Level Safety Factors Required Level Sim. Low Dose Rate Lot Varn. Total TID 0.023Krd 3.5 5 4 70 1.6Krd NIEL 1.5x1010 n/cm2 1 20 3.0x1011 n/cm2 SEE 6.3x108 h/cm2 1.3x1010 h/cm2

16 TEST RESULTS: Radiation Tests
Interface located at z=160cm r=410cm All 3 studies showed Interface was fully operational under tests Radiation Type Required Level Source Exposed Dose Test Lab TID 1.6Krd Colbt-60 2.4krd Argonne NIEL 3.0x1011 n/cm2 Neutron 5.0x1011 n/cm2 CEA/ PROSPERO Dijon, France SEE 1.3x1010 h/cm2 Proton 1.5x1010 p/cm2 Indiana Univ

17 Production Quality Control
Web Materials Schematics, specification drawings, gerber, QC requirements, revision history etc. Instructions to vendor (PCB and assembly) Parts, artwork files provided by Chicago, vendor responsible for PCB fabrication and assembly 5 trial boards based on full production setup Burn-in test for one week) All functional and performance tests Record to Database (Web accessible) Others

18 Conclusions Design is well suited to our needs
Performance and Radiation tests demonstrated well satisfactory Mass production is being installed in TileCal

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