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My Brother Martin A sister remembers.

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Presentation on theme: "My Brother Martin A sister remembers."— Presentation transcript:

1 My Brother Martin A sister remembers

2 Genre Biography: A story about the life of a real person written by someone else.

3 Strategy Evaluate -Readers evaluate a text by drawing conclusions about the authors purpose.

4 Skill Author’s Purpose:
-An author’s purpose may be to entertain, persuade, or inform. A good reader evaluates the author’s purpose to make sound judgments.

5 unsuspecting (verb) trusting

6 unfair (adj) not fair or just

7 ancestors (noun) people in the past from whom one comes.

8 injustice (adj) unfairness

9 avoided (verb) stayed away from

10 segregation (noun) the practice of setting one racial group apart from another

11 numerous (adj) forming a large number; many

12 Story Words Waning: becoming smaller or fewer in numbers
Streetcar: a vehicle that holds many passengers and runs on rails through city streets Indignity: something that insults a person’s self-respect Bigotry: hatred or intolerance toward and entire group or people; prejudice

13 Grammar Verb Tenses -The tense of a verb tells you when in time an action is happening.

14 Present-tense A present-tense verb shows that the action is happening now or is happening over and over: Thomas looks at the gray sky.

15 Past-Tense A past-tense verb shows action that has already happened.

16 Future-tense A verb in the future tense shows action that will happen.

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