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WWII Cover Page Page ___78___ Nazi AXIS D-Day ALLIES.

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Presentation on theme: "WWII Cover Page Page ___78___ Nazi AXIS D-Day ALLIES."— Presentation transcript:

1 WWII Cover Page Page ___78___ Nazi AXIS D-Day ALLIES

2 World War II Vocabulary
Copy the following terms on p. _79____ in your Social Studies notebook. You will need to leave space to write the definition of each term. Study these terms nightly.

3 Create a chart like this on pg 79
Term definition

4 World War II Vocabulary Terms
Allied Powers 2. Axis Powers Fascism Blitzkrieg Anti Semitism 6. Genocide Appeasement 8. Final Solution

5 Allied Powers Countries that fought against the Axis Powers during World War II---Based on the following images, identify the three main countries.

6 Axis Powers Alliance formed between three countries ruled by one of the following: Hirohito Mussolini Hitler

7 Fascism Government ruled by a dictator that controls every aspect of the lives of the citizens All aspects of the nation focus at accomplishing the goals of the state

8 Blitzkrieg Lightning war
military tactic used by the Germans to overwhelm the enemy

9 Anti-semitism Prejudice against, hatred of, or discrimination against Jews as a national, ethnic, religious or racial group the Nazi party gained popularity by disseminating anti-Jewish propaganda With the Nazi rise to power in 1933

10 Genocide the deliberate killing of people who belong to a particular racial, political, or cultural group

11 Appeasement Giving in to someone’s demands in order to please them

12 Final Solution Nazi plan to systematically exterminate the Jewish population in Europe.

13 Exit Ticket #1 The Nazi plan to exterminate all the Jews in Europe is known as… The Ultimate Solution The Final Solution Policy of Appeasement Total War

14 Exit Ticket #2 Citizens of a nation exist to help the state accomplish its goals. This is an example of which form of government? Democracy Fascism Republic None of the Above

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