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Concentrated Polymer Solutions

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1 Concentrated Polymer Solutions

2 Application and Importance of Concentrated Polymer Solutions

3 What does mean? A dilute solution Theta condition Semi-dilute
Concentrated and so On.. 12/1/2018

4 What we expect from a concentrated solution?
The phase separation…… 12/1/2018

5 What are the requirements for phase separation.
The required conditions in terms of thermodynamical properties of the system. The effect of temperature. The effect of molecular weight. The effect of concentration. 12/1/2018

6 Solubility, The temperature and the Mw.
Tc=The critical temperature is the highest temperature of phase separation. Phase diagrams for polystyrene fractions in cyclohexane. Circles and solid lines, experimental. Theoretical curves are shown for two of the fractions. The viscosity-average molecular weights are PSA, 43,600; PSB, 89,000; PSC, 250,000; PSD, 1,270,000 g/mol The lower molecular weight species will tend to remain in solution at a temperature where the higher molecular weights phase-separate 12/1/2018

7 The criteria for concentration based on chain situation in solution
Relationships of polymer chains in solution at different concentration regions. (a) Dilute solution regime, where C < Cov. (b) The transition regions, where C = Cov. (c) Semi-dilute regime, C > Cov. Note overlap of chain portions in space. 12/1/2018

8 A review on chain conformation
n links, each of length l, joined in a linear sequence with no restrictions on the angles between successive bonds  is the bond angle between atoms, and  is the conformation angle 12/1/2018

9 Finally by considering the bond angle =109  and all other constraints such as excluded volumes (lesser total number of conformations) and so on: The characteristic ratio C∞ = r 2/ l2n varies from about 5 to about 10, depending on the foliage present on the individual chains. 12/1/2018

10 Typical values of C∞ 12/1/2018

11 Segmental lengths in Chains
Kuhn Segment Length 12/1/2018

12 The Kuhn Segment, b The Kuhn segment length, b, depends on the chain’s end-to-end distance under Flory -conditions, or its equivalent in the unoriented, amorphous bulk state, r, For flexible polymers, the Kuhn segment size varies between 6 and 12 mers , having a value of eight mers for polystyrene, and 6 for poly(methyl methacrylate). The Kuhn segment also expresses the idea of how far one must travel along a chain until all memory of the starting direction is lost, similar to the axial correlation distance. 12/1/2018

13 one phase Two phase composition temperature LCST one phase Two phase UCST composition temperature spinodal curves bimodal curves upper critical solution temperature (UCST) lower critical solution temperature (LCST) Most of the polymer solutions exhibit either UCST or LCST behavior with a few exceptions that exhibit both.

14 Phase Diagram A= Entropic Part B= Enthalpic Part 12/1/2018

15 Phase diagram At Theta Condition 12/1/2018

16 Lever Rule 12/1/2018

17 Lever Rule; Free Energy and Stability
Metastable Stable fraction fa of the volume of the material having composition Фα (and fraction fβ = 1 —fα having composition Фβ, 12/1/2018

18 Phase diagram 12/1/2018

19 Phase diagram and chain dimensions

20 Excluded Volume Is the difference in repulsion and attraction interactions between the chain segments: V= the effect of repulsion forces on chain structure attraction forces affects chain structure So V > 0 if repulsion >attraction => extended chain V< 0 if attraction > repulsion => collapsed chain 12/1/2018

21 Phase diagram chain dimension and the excluded volume
The thermal blob size is the length scale at which excluded volume becomes important. 1- For v ≈ b3, the thermal blob is the size of a monomer (ξT≈ b) and the chain is fully swollen in an athermal solvent . 2- For v ≈ — b3, the thermal blob is again the size of a monomer (ξT≈ b) and the chain is fully collapsed in a non-solvent. 3- For |v| < b3N-1/2, the thermal blob is larger than the chain size (ξT > R0) and the chain is nearly ideal. 4- For b3N-1/2 < |v| < b3 the thermal blob is between the monomer size and the chain size, with either intermediate swelling in a good solvent [v > 0] or intermediate collapse in a poor solvent [v<0]. 12/1/2018

22 From Fractal dimension
Chain Dimensions From Fractal dimension Exclude volume and the chain dimension Excluded volume repulsion v>0 (good Solvent) Excluded volume attraction v<0 (poor solvent) Dense Package 12/1/2018

23 Good, Poor, Theta and Athermal
ν= 3/5 ν= 1/2 ν= 1/3 12/1/2018

24 At Theta Condition At the θ-temperature, the chains have nearly ideal
conformations at all concentrations: 12/1/2018

25 At Theta Condition The concentration increases moving from left to right. At T=θ, there is a special concentration that equals the concentration inside the pervaded volume of the coil. This is the overlap concentration for θ –solvent. 12/1/2018

26 At Theta Condition The temperature at which chains begin to
either swell (above θ) or collapse (below θ): 12/1/2018

27 Poor Solvent The highest point on the binodal line is the critical point with critical composition 12/1/2018

28 Poor Solvent The highest point on the binodal line is the critical point with critical composition Phase diagrams for polystyrenes in cyclohexane, M = gmol-1 (open circles), M = gmol"1 (filled circles), M = gmol-1 (open squares), M= gmoP1 (filled squares), 12/1/2018

29 Poor Solvent The size of the globules is proportional to the one-third power of the number of monomers in them: Supernatant phase Precipitant 12/1/2018

30 Poor Solvent The size of the globules is proportional to the one-third power of the number of monomers in them: 12/1/2018

31 Good Solvent Overlapping concentration in good solvent 12/1/2018

32 What happens with the chain swelling in good solvents (due to the excluded volume) above the overlap concentration? Important concept is that of the screening of excluded volume interactions in the concentrated solutions (Flory, Edwards): as the chain concentration increases in the region , the coil swelling gradually diminishes and finally it vanishes in the melt (i.e. coils are ideal in the melt -Flory theorem) . 12/1/2018

33 Polymer coil dimensions in semidilute
solutions: example of scaling arguments 12/1/2018

34 Scaling Theory Go for it…. 12/1/2018

35 Scaling Law And The Polymer Solvent Diagram

36 The Polymer-Solvent Diagram
dilute Semidilute Marginal Concentrated Ideal v= 1-2 = volume fraction, p = C /6, N = number of bonds per chain, vc = cross-over from swollen to ideal. 2 p3/2N-1/2 Excluded Volume=v 1 -N-1/2 Phase Separation 12/1/2018 cr

37 Macroscopic Phase Separation

38 Convex part of the function F(Ф): no macroscopic phase separation.
The typical dependence of the Flory-Huggins free energy on the polymer volume fraction in the solution : F Ф Binodal points Spinodal 1 This dependence contains both convex and concave parts. F Ф Convex part of the function F(Ф): no macroscopic phase separation. Free energy of the solution separated into two phases with and Free energy of homogeneous solution at F Concave part of the dependence F(Ф): macroscopic phase separation into two phases. 12/1/2018 Ф

39 Phase separation by Spinodal mechanisim
Phase separation by Nucleation and Growth Spinodal decomposition is a mechanism by which a solution of two or more components can separate into distinct regions (or phases) with distinctly different chemical compositions and physical properties. This mechanism differs from classical nucleation in that phase separation due to spinodal decomposition is much more subtle, and occurs uniformly throughout the material—not just at discrete nucleation sites. Spinodal decomposition is of interest for two primary reasons. In the first place, it is one of the few phase transformations in solids for which there is any plausible quantitative theory. The reason for this is the inherent simplicity of the reaction. Since there is no thermodynamic barrier to the reaction inside of the spinodal region, the decomposition is determined solely by diffusion. Thus, it can be treated purely as a diffusional problem, and many of the characteristics of the decomposition can be described by an approximate analytical solution to the general diffusion equation. In contrast, theories of nucleation and growth have to invoke the thermodynamics of fluctuations. And the diffusional problem involved in the growth of the nucleus is far more difficult to solve, because it is unrealistic to linearize the diffusion equation. From a more practical standpoint, spinodal decomposition provides a means of producing a very finely dispersed microstructure that can significantly enhance the physical properties of the material. [1] 12/1/2018

40 Some Review Slides 12/1/2018

41 This dependence is shown in the figure:
Conditions for the phase separation (minimum possible free energy) are determined from common tangent straight line - binodal curve. Conditions for the absolute stability of homogeneous phase at a given concentration are determined from the positions of inflexion points - spinodal curve. or This dependence is shown in the figure: Ф 12/1/2018

42 Phase diagram with binodal and spinodal
Single globules Binodal Ф Conclusions: Macroscopic phase separation takes place at the quality of solvent only slightly poorer than the solvent. The critical point for macroscopic phase separation corresponds to the dilute enough solution. The region of isolated globules in solution corresponds to very low polymer concentrations, especially at the values of  significantly larger than 12/1/2018

43 The precipitant phase close enough to the - point is very diluted.
For different values of N the binodal curves (boundaries of the phase separation region) have the form: Ф With the increase of N the critical temperature becomes closer to the point, and the critical concentration becomes lower. 12/1/2018

44 Method of fractional precipitation for polydisperse polymer solution: when the quality of solvent is becoming poorer or polymer concentration increases in the dilute enough range at first the most high-molecular fraction precipitates, then the next fraction, etc…; polymers with lower molecular weights require more significant increase in and to precipitate. In this way polymer fractionation is achieved. Reverse method is called the method of fractional dissolution: when one moves from the region of insolubility to the region of partial solubility at first the fractions with the lowest values of M are dissolved. 12/1/2018

45 What is the connection of the Flory-Huggins parameter and the temperature T ? Within the framework of the lattice model in the experimental variables T, c the phase diagram has the form shown in the figure, i.e. the poor solvent region corresponds to T c Such situation is called upper critical solution temperature (UCST) - critical point is “on the top” of the phase separation region. Examples: poly(styrene) in cyclohexane (around ), poly(isobutylene) in benzene, acetylcellulose in chlorophorm. 12/1/2018

46 increases with the increase of T.
However, due to the complicated renormalization of polymer-polymer interactions due to the solvent, sometimes increases with the increase of T. Then the T, c phase diagram has the form shown in the figure below, i.e. the poor solvent region corresponds to . Such situation is called lower critical solution temperature (LCST)-critical point is “on the bottom” of the phase separation region. T c Examples: poly(oxyethylene) in water, methylcellulose in water, in general - most of the water-based solutions. The reason: increase of the so-called hydrophobic interactions with the temperature (organic polymers contaminate network of hydrogen in water and water molecules become less mobile (solvated), i.e. they lose entropy - this unfavorable entropic factor for polymer- water contacts is more important at high temperatures). 12/1/2018

47 Suppose that the polymer with UCST is glassy without solvent in this range of temperatures. Then the situation is similar to that shown in the figure below: T c 1 Upon the temperature jump to the region of macroscopic phase separation, the separation begins, but it cannot be completed, because of the formation of the glassy nuclei which “freeze” the system. As a result, microporous system is formed, and this is one of the methods of preparation of microporous chromatographic columns. 12/1/2018

48 The Vitrification Effect
The effect of the solvent at high polymer volume fraction is to plasticize the polymer. However, if the polymer is below its glass transition temperature, the concentrated polymer solution may vitrify, or become glassy Berghmans’ point Vitrification 12/1/2018

49 Polymer Blends 12/1/2018

50 POLYMER–POLYMER Miscibility

OF MIXING Endotherm Enthalpy change Plus small Entropy Change  Not necessary NEGATIVE FREE ENERGY of MIXING 12/1/2018

52 Temperature Effect 1 Hmix=TSmix T Phase Separation
Lower Critical Solution Temp. LCST One Phase 1 12/1/2018

53 PHASE DIAGRAMS Spinodal Lines Binodal Line 12/1/2018

54 Triple Mixtures PII PII Solvent MII Enters Phase Separation Region PI

55 HOWEVER, It is possible to have:
TYPE I TYPE II 12/1/2018

56 TYPE III TYPE IV TYPE V TYPE VI 12/1/2018 Two Phase One Phase

57 Kinetics of Phase Separation
Major mechanisms by which two components of a mutual solution can phase-separate: nucleation and growth, and spinodal decomposition 12/1/2018

58 Nucleation and Growth Nucleation and growth are associated with metastability, implying the existence of an energy barrier and the occurrence of large composition fluctuations. Domains of a minimum size, the so-called critical nuclei, are a necessary condition. Nucleation and growth (NG) are the usual mechanisms of phase separation of salts from supersaturated aqueous solutions, for example. 12/1/2018

59 Spinodal Mechanism: Spinodal decomposition (SD), on the other hand, refers to phase separation under conditions in which the energy barrier is negligible, so even small fluctuations in composition grow. 12/1/2018

60 Comparison of the two mechanisms:
Nucleation and growth could be seen as tiny spheres, while spinodal decomposition looked like tiny overlapping worms. 12/1/2018

61 Which kind of phase separation does the picture show?
Investigation under Microscope Which kind of phase separation does the picture show? 12/1/2018

62 12/1/2018

63 as observed under a microscope
Phase separation by spinodal decomposition () and nucleation and growth (•), as observed under a microscope 12/1/2018

64 Thermodynamics of Mixing
The Flory–Huggins theory provides an expression for the free energy density of mixing of two homopolymers labeled A and B Entropy Origin Enthalpy Origin Ni is the number of monomers in chain i, and i is the volume of each monomer on chain i, A is the volume fraction of component A in the mixture, v is an arbitrary reference volume,  is the Flory–Huggins interaction parameter, Gm is the free energy change on mixing per unit volume, k is the Boltzmann constant, and T is the absolute temperature. 12/1/2018

65 If we consider: Then: Note that Ni depends weakly on temperature (because i depends on temperature) while ^ Ni does not. 12/1/2018

66 At the critical point: 12/1/2018

67 In the case of (NA=NB=N)
The spinodal curve: The binodal curve: and critical point is located at: 12/1/2018

68 Temperature Dependence of 
The  parameters obtained from polymer blends are often linear functions of 1/T. However, in some cases a distinct nonlinearity is observed when  is plotted versus 1/T. In such cases the data can be fit to a quadratic function in 1/T. 12/1/2018

69 Numerical Values of A, B and C,

70 Types of Phase Diagram Type I.  is Positive and Increases Linearly with 1/T (B > 0, C = 0) Example:SPB(88)/dSPB(78) 12/1/2018

71 UCST= 105 C in our example 12/1/2018

72 PIB/dHHPP blend as an example
Type II.  is Negative and Decreases Linearly with 1/T (B < 0, C = 0) PIB/dHHPP blend as an example 12/1/2018

73 Lower Critical Solution Temperature (LCST)
Transition from single phase to two phase occurs at 1705 C regardless of composition. 12/1/2018

74 Type III.  is Positive and Increases Nonlinearly with 1/T(C  0, d/dT  0)

75 Type III (cont.) One Phase Two Phase
An example of such behavior is PEB/dSPI(7) 12/1/2018

76 Type IV.  is Positive and Nonmonotonic with Temperature, and C > 0

77 Type IV (cont). Example system is HHPP/dSPI(7) 12/1/2018

78 Type V.  is Positive and Nonmonotonic with Temperature, and C < 0

79 Type V (cont.) The SPI(7)/dPP blend exhibits such behavior 12/1/2018

80 Type VI. Athermal Mixing,  is Independent of T (B = 0 and C = 0)

81 Type VI (cont.) SPI(50)/SPB(78) blends are the examples 12/1/2018

82 Thermodynamics of phase separation according to Sperling
where V is the volume of the sample (usually taken as 1 cm3), Vr is the volume of one cell , z is the lattice coordination number (z is usually between 6 and 12), and Nc is the number of molecules in 1 cm3. V/Vr is a count of the number of cells in 1 cm3. Compare it to our previously studied one: 12/1/2018

83 Thermodynamics of phase separation according to Sperling (Cont.)
An Example Calculation: Molecular Weight Miscibility Limit V1 is the molar volume of the solvent 12/1/2018

84 Solution An Example Calculation: Molecular Weight Miscibility Limit
V1 is the molar volume of the solvent 12/1/2018

85 12/1/2018

86 Equation of State Theories: Deficiency of the proposed Eq.
A serious deficiency in the classical theory, is the assumption of incompressibility. This deficiency can easily be remedied by the addition of free volume in the form of “holes” to the system. These holes will be about the size of a mer and occupy one lattice site. In materials science and engineering, “holes” are frequently called “vacancies.” Imagine that a multicomponent mixture is mixed with N0 holes of volume fraction v0. Then the entropy of mixing is: This allows for compressibility, since the number of holes may be varied. 12/1/2018

87 Reduced Quantities: 12/1/2018

88 Thus, an equation of state requires three reducing quantities,
Reduced Temperature: Reduced Pressure Reduced Volume Reduced Density The starred quantities represent characteristic values for particular polymers, often referred to as the “hard core” or “close-packed” values, that is, with no free volume. 12/1/2018

89 Hartmann equation of state (An example)
the classical Doolittle equation 12/1/2018

90 Properties of Reduced Density,
When all the sites are occupied, Fractional free volume (vacant sites): 12/1/2018

91 The Entropy of Mixing, Now!
The entropy of mixing vacant sites with the molecules in equation of state terminology is given by When all the sites are occupied, = 1, and the right hand side is zero. where the quantity * is a van der Waals type of energy of interaction. Note that ˜ = ˜ (P,T); ˜  1 as T  0; ˜  1 as P  . 12/1/2018

92 where r is the number of sites (mers), in the chains, and
By taking , the equation of state via the lattice fluid theory is obtained where r is the number of sites (mers), in the chains, and For high polymers, r goes substantially to infinity, yielding a general equation of state for both homopolymers and miscible polymer blends, 12/1/2018

93 Criteria for Miscibility:
Basically, T* values must be similar for miscibility. Polymers must have similar coefficients of expansion for miscibility; that is, the ratio of the densities must remain similar as the temperature is changed. If T*1 > T*2, then it is desirable to have P*1 > P*2 12/1/2018

94 Equation of state parameters for some common polymers
From such information, it may be found that the system poly(2,6-dimethyl phenylene oxide)–blend–polystyrene is miscible but that poly(dimethyl siloxane), which is so different from the others, should be immiscible with all of them. 12/1/2018

95 Very Important Conclusions:
For the Flory–Huggins theory of incompressible polymer mixtures, the small entropy of mixing is dominated by the heat of mixing, leading to the conclusion that the heat of mixing must be zero or negative to induce miscibility. When two compressible polymers are mixed together, negative heats of mixing cause a negative volume change. Since reducing the volume of the system reduces the number of holes, the entropy of mixing change is negative. At high enough temperatures, the unfavorable entropy change associated with the densification of the mixture becomes prohibitive, that is, TS > H, and the mixture phase-separates. 12/1/2018

96 Very Important Conclusions:
The two-phase system has a larger volume as the holes are reintroduced, and hence a larger positive contribution to the entropy. Significantly differing coefficients of expansion contribute to phase separation. In virtually all polymer–polymer systems exhibiting critical phenomena, both H and TS are relatively small quantities. Thus relatively modest changes in either the enthalpy or the entropy alter the phase diagram significantly. 12/1/2018

97 Let’s try softwares Applet by Maye’s group 12/1/2018

98 Radius of Gyration of a Polymer Coil
The radius of gyration Rg is defined as the RMS distance of the collection of atoms from their common centre of gravity. R For a solid sphere of radius R; For a polymer coil with rms end-to-end distance R ; 12/1/2018

99 The excluded volume effect
Steric hindrance on short distances limits the number of conformations At longer distances we have a topological constraint – the self avoiding walk – or the excluded volume effect: Instead of <R2>1/2=aN1/2 we will have <R2>1/2=aNν where v>0.5 Experiments tells us that in general: v~0.6 Why? 12/1/2018

100 Excluded volume according to Flory
Consider a cube containing N segments of a polymer V=r3 where r is the radius of gyration. The concentration of segments is c~N/r3 Each segment with volume ע “stuffed” into the cube reduces the entropy with –kbעN/V = -kbעN/r3 (for small x; ln(1-x)~lnx) The result is a positive contribution to F; Frep= kbעTN/r3 (expansion of the coil) From before; Coiling reduces the entropy; Fel=kbT3R2/2Na The total free energy F is the sum of the two contributions! Search for equilibrium! 12/1/2018

101 Scaling Law Theories 12/1/2018

102 Equilibrium and stability

103 Lever Rule Metastable Stable
fraction fa of the volume of the material having composition Фα (and fraction fβ = 1 —fα having composition Фβ, 12/1/2018

104 with respect to 2 be zero.
According to thermodynamic principles, the condition for equilibrium between two phases requires that the partial molar free energy of each component be equal in each phase. This condition requires that the first and second derivatives of G in equation : with respect to 2 be zero. The critical concentration at which phase separation occurs may be written: 12/1/2018

105 The Critical Values n= number of segments per polymer chain
For large n, 2c =1/n0.5. For n = 104,2c = 0.01, a very dilute solution. The critical value of the Flory–Huggins polymer–solvent interaction parameter, 1, is given by 12/1/2018 as n approaches infinity, 1c approaches 1/2

106 The Critical Temp. Where 1 is a constant. Plot of 1/Tc versus
(1/n /2n) should yield the Flory -temperature at n = infinity 12/1/2018

107 What do you understand from the following picture?
Critical Concentration 12/1/2018

108 The corresponding volume fraction
Now we consider more systematically the equilibrium properties of concentrated polymer solutions of overlapping coils. It is to be reminded that the overlap concentration of monomer units is The corresponding volume fraction 12/1/2018

109 Dilute solution Semidilute Concentrated Polymer melt
Since , the overlap occurs already at very low polymer concentration. There is a wide concentration region where coils are overlapping and strongly entangled; and . Such solutions are called semidilute. 1 ~ 0.2 Dilute solution Semidilute Concentrated Polymer melt The existence of the regime of the semi-dilute polymer solutions is a specific polymer feature, for low-molecular solutions such regime does not exist. The crossover volume fraction between the two regimes is for solvents (ideal coils) for good solvents (swollen coil) 12/1/2018

110 Supernatant phase Precipitant
Behavior of Polymer Solutions in Poor Solvents In poor solvent (below the point) the attraction between monomer units prevails. Single chains (or chain in dilute enough solutions) collapse and form a globule. However, in concentrated solutions the macroscopic phase separation can take place as well (a kind of intermolecular collapse). Supernatant phase Precipitant What are the conditions for macroscopic phase separation? To answer this question it is necessary to write down the free energy of polymer solution. This problem was first solved independently by Flory and Huggins ( ) for the lattice model of polymer solution. 12/1/2018

111 Flory and Huggins obtained:
where is the total number of lattice sites and is the so-called Flory para-meter; corresponds to ( very good solvent). This term describes translational entropy of coils (free energy of ideal gas of coils) Term responsible for excluded volume interaction Term responsible for the attraction of monomer units 12/1/2018

112 Binary interactions, second virial coefficient B
With the increase of the quality of solvent becomes poorer. Which value of  corresponds to the point? The expansion of F in the power of : Ideal gas term Binary interactions, second virial coefficient B Ternary interactions, third virial coefficient C At point corresponds to - good solvent region - poor solvent region 12/1/2018

113 The Polymer-Solvent Diagram
Semidilute Marginal dilute Excluded Volume=v Concentrated 12/1/2018

114 The Polymer-Solvent Diagram
Semidilute Marginal dilute Concentrated Excluded Volume=v Ideal 12/1/2018

115 Excluded Volume A chain cannot cross itself in space.
Is a long-range interaction; eliminates conformations in which two widely separated segments would occupy the same space. 12/1/2018

116 <r2>1/2=aNν where v>0.5
Excluded Volume At longer distances we have a topological constraint – the self avoiding walk – or the excluded volume effect: Instead of <r2>1/2=aN1/2 we will have <r2>1/2=aNν where v>0.5 Experiments tells us that in general: v~0.6 12/1/2018

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