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Glacier Change - Using Image J for Irregular Shapes

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1 Glacier Change - Using Image J for Irregular Shapes
Summary: Activity 2 – We will investigate the change in glacial area per time in this activity. You will learn to use the Freehand and Brush Selection tool to “capture” the area of the glacier image and the glacier area for different years. You will then export the data into Excel to calculate and the rate of change in Glacier area over time. Inquiry/Extension: Using temperature/precipitation data for the glacier areas during the time period of the images, ask the question if there is a correlation between the area and weather. Based on your investigation, why do you think that the Hubbard Glacier is expanding? Where did you find your data – what is the source? Which glacier had the greatest loss of total area? Were the glaciers that changed the most in the areas with the greatest temperature/precipitation change?

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