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Infant Screening Reports v

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Presentation on theme: "Infant Screening Reports v"— Presentation transcript:

1 Infant Screening Reports v.4.29.10
Understanding What The Report is Displaying

2 What Do These Reports Show?
The infant screen reports summarize screening data by coalition, county, zip code, hospital, or screening month. The screening information is shown are based on the mother’s county of residence Screening information comes from the infant’s birth certificate

3 When is this Report Updated?
Updated monthly. The data in the Report Period includes the last day of that month. For example, January – December means data is included starting January 1 through December 31. New versions of this report are posted on the web on the last Wednesday of each month. The report can be accessed using the HSREPORTS user name and gr8tjob password at… Report period – information is included from all data in the birth files as of end of the month. The report comes out on the last Wednesday of each month for the period ending the previous month. You will receive an when the report is available for review.

4 Total Infants This is the number of births recorded for the reporting period according to the mother’s county of residence Total infants the total number of resident births recorded for this time period.

5 Total Screened This is the number of infant screens (whether Yes or Unknown to consent) recorded for the reporting period according to the mother’s county of residence. Total Screened is the number of infant screens, whether Yes or Unknown screening consent that were reported during this period. This is the Screening Rate. (Total Screened divided by Total Infants = screening rate) The denominator is the total number of resident births.

6 Percentage of Infants Screened
This is the total screened divided by the total number of infants. The result is expressed as a percentage.

7 Number of Positive Screens
The number of infants who have positive screens (scoring 4 or more) This is reported according to the mother’s county of residence. Infants with positive screens is the number of infants who scored 4 or more based on the risk factors on the birth certificate. The denominator for Number of Positive Screens is the Total Screened.

8 Positives as Percent of Total Screened
This is the number of infants with a score of 4 or more divided by the number of infants that were screened. The result is expressed as a percentage.

9 Referred Based on Other Factors
This is the number of infants with a score less than 4 who were referred to Healthy Start due to factors other than those included in the infant’s score.

10 Number of Participants
This shows the number of infants where HS program consent was “Yes” or “Unknown” and their score was 4 or more or they were referred to HS based on other factors This is reported according to the mother’s county of residence

11 Participants as Percent of Total Screened
This is the number of participants divided by the number of infants that were screened. The result is expressed as a percentage.

12 Data Notes Screening data comes from the birth certificate.
Screening data are based on mother’s county of residence.

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