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Chinese Civilization The Zhou & The Qin.

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1 Chinese Civilization The Zhou & The Qin

2 SSWH2 C Describe the development of Chinese civilization under the Zhou and Qin.

3 China China was isolated from other civilizations because of geography
Chinese farming settlements began around 2000 B.C. People who lived outside China were viewed as barbarians – Chinese felt themselves superior.

4 Chinese culture grew – family was important, there was a clear distinction between poor and noble, and religion was based on ancestor worship. They developed a system of writing where each character stood for a syllable of language. – over 10,000 characters!

5 The Zhou Around 1027 B.C. the Zhou established a dynasty.
They maintained Chinese culture – but injected new ideas. Mandate of Heaven – the idea that the authority to rule comes from heaven. The Zhou used this logic to overthrow the previous dynasty.



8 MOH became central to Chinese government.
The Zhou had control over vast amounts of land and so they implemented the feudal system. Feudal System: A political system in which nobles, or lords, are granted the use of lands that legally belong to the king. In return, the nobles owe loyalty and military service to the king and protection to the people who live on their estates.


10 The Period of Warring States
The nobles began to get greedy – they fought with neighboring states to get more power. The period of warring states began – it was a 250 year period of war between the Chinese States. Qin conquered all the states by 221 B.C.

11 Qin Legalism: group that believed in restoring order by instating an efficient and powerful government. No criticism of government and harsh punishments for disobedient behavior (loss of body parts). In the 3rd century the Qin replaced the Zhou (joh) – He was legalist.

12 Qin used harsh rule to get the various warring villages under control.
He doubled China’s size by invading neighboring tribes. He commanded all noble families live in the capital city so he could supervise them and prevent them from attempting to take over his rule He murdered lots of people. He created an autocracy – a government with unlimited arbitrary power.

13 He built highways Created standards for roads, law, currency, and weights. He started irrigation projects. Trade grew! But at what cost? – harsh rule and high taxes made the Qin dynasty unpopular. He built the Great Wall of China to discourage attacks – but used forced labor (work or die – work and die!)


15 Qin Dynasty lasted a short time.
After daddy Qin died his son took power – he wasn’t such a good leader. A peasant group from Han marched in and took over – beginning the Han Dynasty in 202 B.C.


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