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Air Masses and Fronts.

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1 Air Masses and Fronts

2 Air Mass A large volume of air that takes on the temperature and humidity characteristics of the area over which it develops.

3 cP cT mP mT cA North American Air Masses SE Symbol Name Source Region
Characteristics Direction of Movement cP Continental Polar West / Central Canada Cold Dry SE cT Tropical SW U.S Northern Mexico Hot NE mP Maritime Northern Atlantic / Pacific Wet East (pacific) West (Atlantic) mT Gulf of Mexico cA Arctic Arctic Circle Very Cold

4 How do clouds form? Rising air cools due to decreased air pressure.
Water vapor condenses because air temperature reaches the dew point. Clouds and precipitation form this way.


6 Fronts: Where air masses meet.
Warm Front:  Warm air meets cold air.  Less dense warm air rises over the cold air at a gentle angle.  Produces showers and stratus clouds.

7 Cold Front Cold air invades warm air, pushing the warm air up at a steep angle. Produce cumulus and cumulonimbus clouds. Showers and Thunderstorms

8 Occluded Fronts Cold Occlusion: when the air behind the front is colder than the air ahead of the front. Coldest air undercuts the cool air ahead of the front. (Like a cold front)

9 Warm Occlusion Air behind the front is warmer than the air ahead of the front. (Acts like a warm front.) Stationary Front: Cold and Warm air are at a standoff. Can produce days of showers / storms.



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