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Ofsted priority for the partnership

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1 Ofsted priority for the partnership
We need to spend a short time reviewing our progress towards one of our Ofsted priorities for the partnership: this is to provide consistently good quality written feedback to students to support their progress and development.

2 Self evaluation of lesson observations
Better…written feedback for trainees. Strengthening the focus on pupil progress. One step we’ve taken towards improving this during this year is the changes on the lesson observation form: with the requirement to summarise areas of strength and for development on the APT form. As tutors we appreciate the challenges of observing and writing well formed written feedback during the timeframe of a lesson/session and understand that it’s something that is demanding to do whilst a session is in progress. It’s fine to continue to do this as long as students receive the written feedback soon after the observation has taken place so they are able to use feedback to support them in improving their practice. Two areas that we still need to prioritise: Better quality…across the Teachers Standards Making sure that we give them written feedback relating to pupil progress: observable and measurable incorporating levels of pupil interest and engagement, evidence of excitement about the learning as well as evidence of children making progress in terms of the focus for learning during the session.

3 Evaluation process SELF EVALUATION
Does written feedback relate to all aspects of the Teachers’ Standards? Is there evidence of feedback related to pupil progress? (inc. pupil engagement, motivation, outcomes related to focus for learning). PEER REVIEW Do any patterns emerge? Are there any obvious areas of particular strength/for development in written feedback. 10 minutes for an activity with two parts: Review one of your lesson observations to check that there’s written feedback related to all areas of the TS – might want to make use of TS to track at the bottom of the APT form (NASBTT table, highlighter pens, pencils) What feedback has been given in relation to progress. Discuss with other teachers on table any patterns or themes that emerge. Note them on post its.

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