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Dynamic self review and action planning

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Presentation on theme: "Dynamic self review and action planning"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dynamic self review and action planning

2 The aim of this afternoon is to better understand:
The TBAP Review cycle Peer to Peer Review and the TBAP Handbook The idea of operational priorities The TBAP scorecard

3 PART 1 Principles of Self Evaluation

4 The school improvement cycle:
Identify needs Plan actions with KPIs Take actions Assess and judge impact

5 The school improvement cycle: how could this be improved in TBAP?
Challenge to judgements Identify needs Plan actions with KPIs Take actions Assess and judge impact Sharing resources & best practice Standard judgements Common approaches

6 TBAP wants to remain focused upon what is needed to:
Stay Outstanding Move from Good to Outstanding Move from Requires Improvement to Good TBAP also wants to know what it looks like and feels like to be: Outstanding Good

7 A more dynamic approach
ASK Are you asking the right questions? ASSESS Are you able to assess yourself accurately? ACT Are you able to take appropriate actions to improve?

8 What are your views of this?
Ofsted judge schools but don’t look to define schools

9 Identifying need against core TBAP priorities
Ofsted’s Common Inspection Framework focuses on 4 areas. Question: What are they? Answer: Leadership and Management Teaching, Learning and Assessment Personal Development, Welfare and Behaviour Outcomes

10 A more dynamic approach
ASK Are you asking the right questions? ASSESS Are you able to assess yourself accurately? ACT Are you able to take appropriate actions to improve?

11 Example 1: Teaching, Learning and Assessment
Example 1: Teaching, Learning and Assessment. Consider the following areas: Effectiveness of planning to enable challenge for all students Knowledge is consolidated. Time to review learning and dynamic intervention in place Secure subject knowledge, skilful questioning to tackle misconceptions & build on strength

12 Activity 1: Asking the right questions
To assess yourself accurately what would be your: Evidence base Key Performance Indicators Key Lines of enquiry

13 Example 1: Teaching, Learning and Assessment
Example 1: Teaching, Learning and Assessment. Consider the following areas: Effectiveness of planning to enable challenge for all students Knowledge is consolidated. Time to review learning and dynamic intervention in place Secure subject knowledge, skilful questioning to tackle misconceptions & build on strength

14 Asking the right questions-some suggestions for Teaching and Learning
How are lesson observations standardised? What is their focus? How are the outcomes of lesson observations used to improve the quality of Teaching, Learning and Assessment? Who is involved in the process of lesson observations? How is best practice shared? How are areas for improvement identified and acted upon? Is there appropriate consistency in terms of how lesson observations are written? Do colleagues know what to look for in lessons? Do colleagues evaluate lessons accurately and consistently?

15 Example 2: Leadership and Management Consider the following areas:
High expectations, vision, direction & positive impact Robust self-evaluation & strategic planning to improve teaching, learning & outcomes for all Performance management & monitoring of professional standards

16 Asking the right questions-some suggestions for Leadership and Management
How does you institution realise TBAP’s 3 principles? What does your website say? Do you have stakeholder evidence base? What is it? What does it tell you? What are your key support systems for students? How embedded are they and how do you know?

17 Example 3: Personal Development, Welfare and Behaviour: Consider the following areas:
Pupils’ attitude to learning & impact of this upon progress. Pupils’ confidence & self-assuredness. Preparedness for lessons. Pupils respect for others’ ideas & views Preparation for next stage of education, employment or training

18 Asking the right questions-some suggestions for Personal Development, Welfare and Behaviour
What is the robustness of the Learner Profile? How far does it accurately record and then track attitudes to learning? Does the Learner Profile accurately identify barriers to learning? Are appropriate interventions then planned? Are these routinely monitored and reviewed? Is there evidence that the views of students and parents/carers are included in the Learner Profile? How are the assessments of the Therapeutic team reflected in the Learner profile?

19 The Handbook

20 PART 2 The Scorecard and Peer to Peer Challenge

21 Pulling together judgements- the scorecard method:

22 Wider priorities

23 PART 3 The Executive Summary

24 The Executive Summary The Executive Summary is the narrative behind the RAG rated judgments and should be prompted by the relevant questions in TBAP’s Peer to Peer Handbook

25 An example: Teaching and Learning are judged outstanding because

26 PART 4 The Action Plan The Action Plan should sit alongside and complement the Core Priorities self evaluation. Review SOW so that they meet the greater demands of the new GCSE

27 Linking them all together

28 The review Schedule

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