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No Warm Up Today! Find a seat anywhere

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Presentation on theme: "No Warm Up Today! Find a seat anywhere"— Presentation transcript:

1 No Warm Up Today! Find a seat anywhere
Tuesday, January 17th 2012 Remember to write the DATE, the QUESTION and the ANSWER No Warm Up Today! Find a seat anywhere

2 Wed., January 18th 2012 Remember to write the DATE, the QUESTION and the ANSWER
Go grab your journal from the bin and sit at a seat! We will start Warm Ups TOMORROW!

3 Thur., January 19th 2012 Remember to write the DATE, the QUESTION and the ANSWER
What does genocide mean? A religion that believes in one God is called:

4 Fri., January 20th 2012 Remember to write the DATE, the QUESTION and the ANSWER
Where were Winter Quarters located? What two rivers did the Pioneers have to cross?

5 Chimney Rock

6 Scott’s Bluff

7 Register Cliff

8 Independence Rock

9 Devil’s Gate

10 Fort Bridger

11 Echo Canyon

12 Mon., January 23rd 2012 Remember to write the DATE, the QUESTION and the ANSWER
Which state is Independence Rock located in? Which fort did the Pioneers visit before crossing the Wasatch?

13 Tues., January 24th 2012 Remember to write the DATE, the QUESTION and the ANSWER
No Warm Ups Today! Turn in your map/timeline and get ready to go to computer lab

14 What river did the Mormons follow to Utah?
Wed., January 25th 2012 Remember to write the DATE, the QUESTION and the ANSWER What river did the Mormons follow to Utah?

15 Wagon Train Decisions In your group you must decide:
Who your wagon train leader is. How many miles per day you will travel. The best way to arrange your wagons at night, in order to protect yourself and your animals. How to best ford a river. River is 60 ft wide and 10 ft deep

16 Who’s Got the Button Sit in a circle, send one person out of the room to be IT Give the button to someone to hide from IT IT comes back in and asks yes/no questions to figure out who has the button (i.e. Is it a guy?)

17 Blind Man's Search The player who is It wears the blindfold. While he or she spins in place five times, one player hides the prize When IT finishes spinning, IT must start walking around The group tells them if they are hotter or colder until they find the prize

18 Thur., January 26th 2012 Remember to write the DATE, the QUESTION and the ANSWER
What year did the pioneers first enter the valley? Name one game played by Pioneer Children

19 Fri., January 27th 2012 Remember to write the DATE, the QUESTION and the ANSWER
What does a roadometer measure? What group of Mormons first traveled to the Salt Lake Valley?

20 Where did most foreign immigrants to Utah come from?
Mon., January 30th 2012 Remember to write the DATE, the QUESTION and the ANSWER Where did most foreign immigrants to Utah come from?

21 What pattern are UT streets laid out in?
Tues., January 31st Remember to write the DATE, the QUESTION and the ANSWER What pattern are UT streets laid out in?

22 Wed., February 1st 2012 Remember to write the DATE, the QUESTION and the ANSWER
How did early pioneers protect their farms? What problems did pioneers have with non-Mormon neighbors?

23 Class Rules Review Absence – LOOK AT CALENDAR. If it says NOTES, get notes from friend. If it has a capital letter, get handout from box. OR LOOK AT BLOG Excused from Class – Everyone must be in seats with things put away. I excuse you, the bell DOES NOT! Warm Ups- Come into class and immediately get journal (NOT WHEN BELL RINGS). Quietly get to work

24 Class Rules Review Late Work/Redo Work – I always accept! Turn into your class period bin! But remember, late work will be graded as I get to it! Music Request– Appropriate Bands Attention – Clap three times




28 Thur., February 2nd 2012 Remember to write the DATE, the QUESTION and the ANSWER
What was located in the center of a UT town? Why were so many walls and ditches built in early SLC?

29 Fri., February 3rd 2012 Remember to write the DATE, the QUESTION and the ANSWER
What was most different about the mining and railroad towns? What is a Moshav?

30 Mon., February 6th 2012 Remember to write the DATE, the QUESTION and the ANSWER
What diseases wiped out the Native Americans? What was the largest form of cooperation between Pioneers and Natives?

31 Tues., February 7th 2012 Remember to write the DATE, the QUESTION and the ANSWER
What Eastern explorer was killed in Utah by Pahvant Natives? What Native food source eventually disappeared because of Western Migration?

32 What was the longest and most destructive Native-Pioneer conflict?
Wed., February 8th 2012 Remember to write the DATE, the QUESTION and the ANSWER What was the longest and most destructive Native-Pioneer conflict?

33 Thur., February 9th 2012 Remember to write the DATE, the QUESTION and the ANSWER
How many reservations has Utah had? Did Native Americans receive payment for their land lost?

34 Fri., February 10th 2012 Remember to write the DATE, the QUESTION and the ANSWER
What kind of crops grew in Utah? What critters afflicted Utahan’s sleeping?

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