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Team Brian Leslie Tuesday, January 23, 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Team Brian Leslie Tuesday, January 23, 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Team Brian Leslie Tuesday, January 23, 2007

2 Progress Thus Far Began implementation of array multiplier
Designed memory interface Store Load Reviewed pipeline datapath and control Updated timeline and team webpage

3 Array Multiplier

4 Store Interface

5 Load Interface

6 Open Question Does the memory component require
word-aligned addresses? No? Yes? If memory address is 0x1, will it return the word 0x1 – 0x4? Any suggestions for determining location of address relative to word boundaries?

7 Plan for This Week Make major progress on ALU (All)
Organize instructions into functional categories Build control signal table Implement a working schematic Finish and test memory interface (Ben, Brian) Incorporate class suggestions Address remaining issues with Avery on Thursday Design periphery (Stephen) N-bit MUXes, zero/sign extender

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