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RE Meeting: 24th October 2012 RE Coordinators 16th January 2013 SIAMS Inspection and Evaluation.

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Presentation on theme: "RE Meeting: 24th October 2012 RE Coordinators 16th January 2013 SIAMS Inspection and Evaluation."— Presentation transcript:

1 RE Meeting: 24th October 2012 RE Coordinators 16th January SIAMS Inspection and Evaluation

2 What’s Going On? Rigorous Distinctive Christian Led

3 Evaluation asks… A church school’s self-evaluation, verified by inspection, will seek to judge how well the school’s distinctive Christian character and values ensure the development and achievement of the whole child or young person.

4 One question: Four Questions
How well does the school, through its distinctive Christian character, meet the needs of all learners? What is the impact of collective worship on the school community? How effective is the religious education? (This question is for VA schools only) How effective are the leadership and management of the school How effective are the leadership and management of the school as a church school

5 to be more diagnostic in judgement
Different way More diagnostic A tool Tagging OfSTED (nb. Inadequate) to be more diagnostic in judgement inspectors and schools to understand and explain where and why improvement is needed

6 Change or Emphasis Overall effectiveness Distinctive Christian worship Anglican identity Shared human values and distinctive Christianity Governors role in Christian vision and strategy

7 distinctive

8 Christian

9 distinctively Christian

10 Change or Emphasis Overall effectiveness Distinctive Christian worship Anglican identity Shared human values and distinctive Christianity Governors role in Christian vision and strategy

11 Evaluation and Process
Areas to target Must/ May take account of Supporting guidance Toolkit gone Nat Soc aim to produce Supporting guidance gives prompts 4 questions, bullet points. 3 – 5 years Any time in year! Week for week after

12 What happens? SIAS inspector told the identity of the school
Contact is made Liaise about a date Inspector informs Church House School provides necessary documentation to SIAS inspector (e.g. SEF, SIAMS selfevaluation and OfSTED report) Inspection day Inspection report Draft report sent to school within 12 - factual accuracy check Inspector sends report to us Inspection report forwarded to National Society Posted on website within one month of the inspection

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