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Getting Started with Data Management

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1 Getting Started with Data Management
& DMPTool at WHOI Audrey Mickle MBLWHOI Library January 26th, 2017 Help researchers create better DMPs Organize efforts within institutions and other groups of people Provide guidance for obtuse language, up-to-date information on funder requirements, and examples for reference

2 Overview Why is data management important?
What is a data management plan? The DMPTool Then I hope we have the opportunity to talk about how this might help anyone involved in the proposal and data management process.

3 Overview Why is data management important?
What is a data management plan? The DMPTool

4 Why is Data Management Important?
Data sharing allows for reproducibility, transparency, and data reuse in research. Sharing is easier if data are managed well from the start of a project.

5 Data Management & Sharing Mandates
Journals – PLOS, Nature, JDAP partners Funders – NSF, NIH… Office of Science & Technology Policy mandate, February 2013 JDAP = joint data archiving policy, where journals partner with the Dryad repository

6 Overview Why is data management important?
What is a data management plan? The DMPTool

7 What is a data management plan?
A document that describes what you will do with your data during your research and after you complete your project

8 Why prepare a DMP? Saves time Increases research efficiency
Satisfies funder requirements Makes reproducibility & sharing easier planning on depositing data in a DR, you need to know the requirements don’t want to have to piece together metadata from memory

9 A DMP is a Living Document
Keep your plan current Incorporate changes Use as a guide for daily activities

10 Where to Start? Small & Simple Document what you know now
Share the plan with your team Avoid procrastination and immobilization

11 Overview Why is data management important?
What is a data management plan? The DMPTool



14 Data management resources
Funder guidance Library of public DMPs Data management resources

15 Log in

16 Select Institution If your institution is a partner, you will be redirected to their login page

17 Set up your profile & notification preferences
Add your ORCID

18 Dashboard overview of DMPs
Create new DMP

19 Either start a new plan Or copy an existing DMP

20 Select Funder

21 Fill out basic information about the plan

22 Co-owners can Edit Preview Download Add co-owners

23 Three options: Private – owners & co-owners only Within institution
Publicly Visibility settings

24 Instructions & help Answer questions

25 Export plan .pdf, .docx, .html Preview plan

26 What else? Collaborative tool for co-PIs at different institutions or within a lab Keep DMPs from successful proposals for reference Customize content and custom templates Approval/review process with commenting system


28 My thoughts:
Twitter Blog @TheDMPTool My thoughts: Presentation Adapted from:

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