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Open HousE September 14, 2017.

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Presentation on theme: "Open HousE September 14, 2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 Open HousE September 14, 2017

2 About Ms. Spino This is my second full year at Ross Street School
This is my first year teaching 5th grade. Last year I taught 3rd grade I graduated with my Elementary Degree from East Stroudsburg University I was born and raised in Woodbridge and am extremely proud to be a part of such a great district

3 Contact Information My Twitter: @MissSpinoRSS11 Remind: AM Class: to 81010 PM Class: to 81010 School Phone Number:

4 Language Arts LA Curriculum Journeys Reading: Fluency & Comprehension
Writing/Grammar Phonics/Spelling

5 Social Studies Active Classroom
** Not ready just yet, but will be this week! ** Most of the curriculum is online

6 Grading

7 Homework Friday Folders
Students will receive homework just about every night. Please always check their planners nightly. If they ever leave their planner in school, my teacher page will always be updated through the school website. Friday Folders Just about every Friday, the students will bring home a Friday Folder with their work. Please go through the work with the student, then return the folder back on Monday.

8 Birthdays Students are able to bring in treats to celebrate birthdays. The treats cannot list the first ingredient as sugar and must have an ingredients label on them. Students in the class may have nut allergies, so treats sent to school must be NUT FREE. Alternative goodies and the safest goodies to send are non edible items, such as, stickers, erasers, pencils, personal pencil sharpeners, highlighters, and/or small game or toy items. Thank you in advance for your cooperation in this matter.

Teacher Wish List Tissues Hand Sanitizer Pencils Paper Towels Paper Plates Lysol Wipes NEVER EXPECTED, ALWAYS APPRECIATED 

10 Thank You Looking forward to an exciting, successful, and rewarding year with your children!

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