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1 1

2 About me 2 2

3 TECHNOLOGY Remind 101: Text: @bluesc8 To This Number: 81010
Follow on Twitter: @AMS8Science E Mail:

4 Binders 1 ½” - 2” If you need one provided for you, please see me privately Pick up your binder from your class periods shelf every day and return it NEATLY to your class periods shelf before you leave I recommend that you leave it at school. I STRONGLY encourage you to take it home before a test to study Graded work and handouts will be kept in this binder as well

5 Sharpen pencils, if needed, before you get seated
I have handheld sharpeners to borrow If you come to class unprepared, you may borrow a pencil/pen from me, but we will make a trade during class… cell phone, Ipod, shoe …something you care about (we will trade back at the end of class) 5

6 Weekly Spiral TEKS 10 questions each week on green paper You will do this as you walk in No time to be told 2 questions per day Timer set for 5 minutes Put it away when finished We will grade these at the end of the week Circle your brick words and mortar words for extra credit The day’s agenda and daily objectives are written on the board every day

7 Turn in assignments to your class periods turn in tray by the exit door
All assignments need your first AND last name. When you are world famous, you may go by your first name only - 5 points if you forget your name or class period

8 PLEASE get a red pen for grading
Keep graded work in the rings of your binder for each grading period

9 I expect homework to be complete and turned in on time
Make up work I will have a tan colored form with your name on it and the missing assignments attached to it It’s YOUR responsibility to pick it up and turn it in within the timeframe stated in the handbook If you need another copy of an assignment, they are in a file by title and date on the table. Do NOT take the last one.

10 Late Work 1 day late - Maximum of 80
And you will be assigned to “Zero to Hero” 2 days late – Maximum of 70 3 days late – Maximum of 60 After 3 days – ZERO

11 Failed Assignments After studying the material, you may attend tutoring and redo the assignment with me to earn half of your points back Please do not wait until the final day …there just isn’t time

12 Tries to Get Extra Credit From
Videos Offered randomly within the classroom I generally do not offer individualized extra credit when you are failing, due to other opportunities I have available for you to be successful

13 Tutoring I want you to be successful Mornings Lunch If you need…
Help Make up work A quiet place to get caught up (any subject) Mornings 7:45 Mon & Wed - Friday Lunch Mon - Thu Pink pass puts you at the front of the lunch line!!!! Afternoons by appointment

14 QUIET!!!!!!!! I will say “EYES” and you all will stop what you are doing and look at me and respond with the word “EYES”


16 Your stuff in our classroom
Please keep belongings out of the walk areas It’s a tripping hazard Safety issue in science Cell phones on silent and in your backpack You may chew gum…until I find it on/under the table, on a shoe, on the floor, etc. You may drink plain clear water (no color additives) No food NO EXCEPTIONS – NO FOOD, GUM, or DRINKS during Labs

17 Cheetah Chair and Rolly Chair
I will draw for a name every Monday Must be passing and up to date on assignments

18 Class Dismissal I will have an alarm set when we are at the two minute mark That is a reminder for ME Pack up when I instruct you to Leave WHEN I DISMISS

19 AMS Belief Statement in Our Classroom
AMS Believes in..... * Positive Contributions Participation in class discussions Celebrate each other’s successes Taking care of our classroom equipment, supplies, and materials * Relationship Building Be willing to work with different individuals and groups to share our differences Be willing to help one another to promote team effort * Safe and Caring Environment Build each other up with positive, encouraging put downs * Quality Education for all Students Well behaved students allow for a classroom where everyone can learn without distractions or disruptions so everyone has an opportunity to be successful AMS Faculty and Staff are committed to making this happen! Parents and students, please join us in this commitment.

20 What will we learn This Year?
Science Safety

21 Atoms


23 Chemical Formulas and Equations

24 Chemical Reactions

25 Force and Motion

26 Forces That Change the Earth

27 Climatic Interactions

28 Earth Cycles

29 Light Years and Theories

30 Characteristics of the Universe

31 Interdependence among Living Systems

32 Biology/Health

33 Remember… Excellence is not a skill. It is an ATTITUDE!!!! 33 33

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