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EMF and Terminal Voltage

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Presentation on theme: "EMF and Terminal Voltage"— Presentation transcript:

1 EMF and Terminal Voltage

2 A device such as a battery or an electric generator that transforms one type of energy (chemical, light and so on) into electric energy is called a source of electromotive force, or emf.


4 Kirchhof’s Rules

5 Junction Rule At any junction point, the sum of all currents entering the junction must equal the sum of all currents leaving the junction.

6 Loop Rule The sum of the changes in potential around any closed path of a circuit must be zero.

7 Solving Problems with Kirchhof’s Rules

8 Important: the number of equations must be the same as number of unknowns!!!

9 In applying the loop rule, follow each loop in one direction only
In applying the loop rule, follow each loop in one direction only! (clockwise or counterclockwise – your choice).

10 Take the signs: For A Resistor:
IR if your chosen loop direction is the same as the chosen current direction. + IR if the directions of loop and current chosen are opposite. For A Battery: +e if your loop direction moves from the negative terminal to positive. -e if your loop direction moves from the positive terminal to negative.

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