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Naming Using Transition Metals

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1 Naming Using Transition Metals
Topic #17

2 Transition Metals Most of the transition metals have the ability to have multiple charges. So how do we tell the difference between the different charges? Ex. Cu+1 and Cu+2 We use Roman Numerals in the name!!!!

3 Writing Formulas 1. Chromium (III) Sulfide 2. Mercury (I) Chloride
3. Zinc (II) Nitride

4 When given the formula….
When you need to write the name out…you cannot simply name the cation and the anion like in regular ionic compounds. You need to calculate what charge is being used in the formula by looking at the ANION.

5 Calculating the Charge….
FeCl2 Cu2O SnBr4 …so from now on after you give your ionic name you need to go back and check to see if the metal needs to have a roman numeral.

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