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PRRS Data Collection Tool Training

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1 PRRS Data Collection Tool Training

2 PRRS Data Collection Tool
To enter data for Prevention Resources and Referral Services go to URL See black stripe under pictures Select PRRS - Members Only Section Enter password: PRRSmembers (case sensitive).

3 Opening the Data Collection Tool
Select the Data Collection Tool (large gold button)

4 Welcome Screen Select your FRC from the drop down list Your Center
Enter your site specific password Select Login If you do not know your password, select Send Password We will send you center’s site specific password to the address we have on file for the person who enters data. Passwords are created and maintained by the PRRS data administrator. The password for your specific center was ed to the person identified by your FRC as the person responsible for data collection. If you do not know the we have on file, please contact your director or you can contact the PRRS data administrator by ing Once you are logged in you can change your password from screen 2. Note the help on the left side of the screen. You will see help on every data entry screen, that tool is there to assist you to enter data.

5 Report List Purpose: To access, enter, review and submit monthly reports Select pencil icon to open each new month's report and navigate through the data screens. Select magnifying glass icon to review a report that is in progress or has been submitted. Select + icon to submit your report after completing data is entry. Once a report is submitted you may not edit it without contacting the PRRS data administrator. If you need to update a finalized report contact the PRRS Data Administrator at On left side of screen please note: Help –This tool is here to assist you to enter data. Sample Report– this is a copy of your report that you can view in its totality and print out. You may select what months you would like to see.

6 Zip Code and Gender Screen
Purpose: to see how many parents we provide resources and referral services to each year by collecting unduplicated data, to show our statewide outreach by collecting zip codes and to show our gender outreach by collecting male and female. This data reported here must be based on direct contact with a parent/guardian, an exchange of information your agency has had with that person. Under Zip Code enter new zip code where you have contacted unduplicated parents for the reporting period. Under Male Children Served enter the number of male and/or under Female Children Served enter the number of female children associated with that zip code. Select the Add button. Repeat for each new zip code where you have contacted unduplicated families for that reporting period until you have entered all zip codes where you have had direct with parents. To update a zip code you have previously listed, use the drop down feature under Zip Code and select the appropriate zip code. Enter the male and female data, and select the Add button. To remove a zip code and data that has been added, select the corresponding ‘x’ for that zip code. The “Total” data on this screen reflects direct services to unduplicated parents for the month. The “Total” on each of the demographic screens, Zip Code & Gender, Race & Ethnicity and Age Range should match. Select Add Note to provide additional information, explanation or questions that you have regarding the data. To the left of the screen you will see a list of each data screen. You may select any screen and enter data in any order you would prefer in the data collection process until you submit your report.

7 Race and Ethnicity Screen
Purpose: To identify the ethnicity and race of individual parents we serve each year by collecting race and ethnicity information for each new/unduplicated parent at the time that you first make contact. Under ethnicity enter unduplicated number of parents you have contacted for the reporting period in Hispanic or Latino or Not Hispanic or Latino/Declined to State. Under Race enter unduplicated number of parents you have contacted for the reporting period in White, Black or African American, American Indian and Alaska Native, Asian, Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander, Two or More of Categories*, Other, or Declined to State *If they identify themselves as more than one of the races listed, count them in the “Two or More Categories“ (line 6). Contacts may decline to state, but please do everything possible to encourage them to identify their ethnicity and race. Select Add Note to describe circumstances when contacts opt for “Declined to State" or “Other". You may return to this, or any step in the data collection process to make changes throughout the month, until you submit your report. The “Total” data on this screen reflects direct services to unduplicated parents for the month. The “Total” on each of the screens 3, 4, 5 , Zip Code & Gender, Race & Ethnicity and Age Range should match.

8 Age Range Screen Purpose: To identify the age of children for each new/unduplicated family at the time that you first make contact for the contract year. Enter unduplicated number of children of parents who you have contacted for the reporting period for each age range 0 through 5 months, 6 through 11 Months, 12 through 17 months, 18 through 23 Months, 24 through 29 Months, or 30 through 35 Months Age range should be calculated using the child's date of birth, at the time you first made contact. Select Add Note to provide additional information, explanation or questions that you have regarding the data. You may return to this, or any step in the data collection process to make changes throughout the month, until you submit your report. Total counts on all demographic screens, 1, 2 and 3 should always match.

9 Contacts This Month / YTD and Contact Types Screen
Purpose: To collect information regarding the numbers of parents who have had face to face contacts for this reporting period and a total for the year (unduplicated) ; the numbers of face to face contacts your agency has provided (duplicated); the number of parents who have had other types of contact types (unduplicated); the number of types of contact (duplicated) and the types of issues/the purpose of contact (duplicated). Under Face to Face Contacts- New Contacts Only Unduplicated Count Enter in This Month the total number of new parent contacts made in person for the reporting period (month). Enter in YTD the total number of new parent contacts made in person since the beginning of the fiscal year. The YTD should equal the sum of this reporting period and all previous reporting periods for the current year. Under Face to Face Contacts- All Contacts Duplicated Count Enter in In Office, Home Visit, Hospital Visit, Other the types of contacts made in person for all parents for the reporting period, new and existing. Under Other Contacts – New Contacts Only Unduplicated Count Enter in This Month the total number of new parent contacts that were not made in person for the reporting period (month). Enter in YTD the total number of new parent contacts that were not made in person since the beginning of the fiscal year. The YTD should equal the sum of this reporting period and all previous reporting periods for the current year. Under Contact Purpose – All Contacts Duplicated Count Enter in Discuss Referral to RC, Listening, Helping Negotiate, Discuss or Register, Provide Other Information the total number of times you have provided support, resources and or referrals regarding any of those items. This is done for both in person and other types of contact for both new and existing PRRS families. Please note; one contact, a phone call for example, may be reflect several purposes since you may discuss more than one issue with a parent. Select Add Note to provide additional information/explanation if you have counts listed in "Other" or "Provide Other information“.

10 Referrals FROM Regional Center Screen
Purpose: To collect information regarding the number of referrals, and referral criteria for each new referral from the Regional Center. Under Referral Reason Enter in 2 or more risk factors, parent has developmental delay, at risk for Autism, Developmental delay of 33%, At risk per qualified clinician, other the number of new families (unduplicated count) referred from the Regional Center by referral criteria for this reporting period. Select Add Note to provide information/explanation if you have any cases which fall outside the listed referral criteria.

11 Referrals FROM Community Service Screen
Purpose: To collect information regarding the number of referrals, and referral criteria for each new referral from Community Services. Under Referral Reason Enter in 2 or more risk factors, parent has developmental delay, At risk for Autism, Developmental delay of 33%, At risk per qualified clinician, other the number of new families (unduplicated count) referred from a Community Service by referral criteria for this reporting period. Select Add Note to provide information/explanation if you have cases which fall outside the listed referral criteria. All parents referred from a Community Service must be referred to the Regional Center

12 Referrals TO Regional Center Screen
Purpose: To collect information regarding the number of referrals to the Regional Center and the original at risk category of those referrals, the number of re-referrals to the Regional Center and the original at risk category of those referrals. Under Referral Reason Enter under First Time Unduplicated Count in 2 or more risk factors, parent has developmental delay, At risk for Autism, Developmental delay of 33%, At risk per qualified clinician, other the number of new families (unduplicated count) referred to the Regional Center for the first time. Enter under Re-Referral in 2 or more risk factors, parent has developmental delay, At risk for Autism, Developmental delay of 33%, At risk per qualified clinician, other the number of new families (unduplicated count) re-referred to the Regional Center. Please note that the at risk factors should reflect the category of the referral when the family was first referred to your FRC. It should not reflect why you are re-referring to the RC. Select Add Note to provide additional information/explanation, especially if you have entered anything under Other Under Referral Details Enter under How many refused the referral to Regional Center? the number of families who have declined a referral. Select Add Note to provide additional information/explanation

13 Referrals TO Community Service Screen
Purpose: To collect information regarding the number and types of Community Service referrals you are making to families. Under Community Service Type Duplicated Count Enter in Library, Physician, Head Start, Child Care, School District, Developmental Playgroup, Other the numbers of Community Service type of referrals FRC made to parents for the reporting period. Please note: in one contact you may refer a family to several different community services such as a physician, Head Start and a developmental play group. Select Add Note to identify community service types not listed if you enter counts in Other or to provide additional information/explanation

14 Consent Form Counts Screen
Purpose: To collect information regarding the number of consent forms signed when referring to another agency (Regional Center, Community Service, School District and/or Other). Under Consent Forms Signed Unduplicated Count Enter in When Referring to Regional Center, When Referring to a Community Service, When Referring to a School District, Other the number of consent forms signed by families Select Add Note to describe any counts entered under Other and to provide additional information/explanation

15 Follow Up Contact Counts Screen
Purpose: To collect information regarding the number of families each FRC follows up within 2 day once they receive the initial referral from Regional Center and or Community Service, the number of families each FRC follows up within30 day after providing that family with referrals to the community and the quarterly contact requirements to see how the family is doing, to see if they need additional resources and referrals. Enter in How many of these new families did you contact within 2 days? the number of families you were able to make personal contact with within the contractual two (2) day time frame. Enter in How many of these new families did you contact within 30 days of making the referral? the number of families you were you able to make personal contact with within the contractual thirty (30) day time frame. Enter in how many new or ongoing quarterly contacts did you make? The number of families you contacted within the reporting period for the purposes of the quarterly check in. Select Add Note to provide additional information, explanation or questions that you have regarding the data questions.

16 Outreach Activity Counts Screen
Purpose: To collect information on the number of PRRS outreach activities and types of activities for families and providers. Information also includes activity name, zip code, number of parents and professionals attending and materials distributed or provided. Please fill out all the information for each of your outreach activities for the reporting period one at a time. Under Type select one of the options using the drop down menu Under Activity Name enter name or description of the activity. Note: the next time you complete a report, an activity name previously entered will be available. Under Activity Date enter the date the activity took place Under Zip Code enter the zip code of where the activity was held. Note: the next time you complete a report, a zip code previously entered will be available. Under Parent Count enter the total number of parents attending the activity, including those not "new" for the reporting period. Under Prof Count enter the total number of professionals attending the activity, including those not "new" for the reporting period. Under Materials use the up and down scroll bar to view materials, select the material and highlight it. Depress the "Ctrl" key and click on additional materials to associate them with the activity. Select Add to input the information for that outreach activity. To enter more than one outreach activity start from the beginning at Type Select Add Note to provide additional information.

17 Exit Type Counts Screen
Purpose: To collect information regarding the reasons why families exit PRRS Services. Under Family Exit Condition Count enter the number of parents who have exited for the reporting period for one of the following: Decline of PRRS Service/No longer needed, Moved out of Area, Unable to Locate, RC re evaluates as ineligible for PRRS, Child Turned Three, Early Start Eligible Select Add Note and provide information/explanation for any families/children that do not meet one of the Family Exit Conditions listed. Please make sure that you now click the + icon to actually save and upload your PRRS monthly data report. Congratulations and Thank you! 

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