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What’s Happening Third Grade?

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1 What’s Happening Third Grade?
3rd Grade Newsletter January , From the desks of the 3rd Grade Teachers Happy New Year!! Thanks for all the wonderful Christmas gifts by the way. The gift cards, baskets, greeting cards, and candy were extremely thoughtful and really made us feel special. Spelling you’ve needn’t would’ve could’ve should’ve didn’t wasn’t they’d we’d when’s let’s he’d you’ll can’t I’d you’d haven’t hasn’t she’d they’ll What’s Happening Third Grade? This week we will begin our fourth novel study, Shiloh, by Phyllis Naylor. The group vocabulary words along with the definitions for Chapters 1-3 can be found on the back of the newsletter. Students will be tested over the meanings of these words on Friday, along with chapters 1-3. Weekly Skills Math- Time/Perimeter/area Grammar- Writing- Summary Reading- Main Idea Social Studies- Europe/Time Line Science- Weather Just a Reminder * Study assigned multiplication facts with your child *Return all graded papers signed. Read with your child for 20 minutes each night and sign the IRead20 form. Writing Prompt for the week: Write a summary of chapters 1-3 of Shiloh. Important Dates Jan 15- MLK Jr Day Jan. 26-PTA Family Art Night Questions?? Homework Please check your child’s binder nightly for all Homework Assignments.

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