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The Allies Turn the Tide

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1 The Allies Turn the Tide
Section 3 Page 939 The Allies Turn the Tide

2 Axis Powers in 1942

3 Operation Barbarossa: Hitler’s Biggest Mistake

4 Operation Barbarossa: June 22, 1941
3,000,000 German soldiers. 3,400 tanks.

5 The Allies Fight Back Japan successful in taking over many island nations in Asia United States begins bombing of Japan also win the Battle of Midway - island near Hawaii where Japan loses nearly all of their planes U.S. (led by Douglas MacArthur) takes back most of the territory lost to Japan Russia vs. Germany was a stalemate in the East -Stalin asked Allies to attack in the West to split German forces -Russian troops surround German soldiers at Stalingrad and force surrender

6 Battle of Stalingrad: Winter of 1942-1943
German Army Russian Army 1,011,500 men 1,000,500 men 10,290 artillery guns 13,541 artillery guns 675 tanks 894 tanks 1,216 planes 1,115 planes

7 Allies close in on Germany
Italy defeated by U.S/Britain D-Day invasion (June 6, 1944) p allies attack the Germans at Normandy with 3.5 million troops had another army set up to fool Hitler attack successful and Germans forced out of France

8 Gen. Eisenhower Gives the Orders for D-Day [“Operation Overlord”]

9 D-Day (June 6, 1944)

10 Normandy Landing (June 6, 1944)
German Prisoners Higgins Landing Crafts

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