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Peer-Learning Workshop

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1 Peer-Learning Workshop
Preconference Peer-Learning Workshop

2 Agenda Welcome and Framing Our Day
Session A - Stories from Our Faculty: The CSR Role, Career Path, and You Session B - Effective Strategies and Tips for Being Successful in Your Work Session C - Group Coaching on Your Challenge Closing and Networking Reception at Stout Thomas G. Bognanno President and CEO Community Health Charities Moderator

3 Our Faculty Tiffany Calderon Senior Manager, Community Relations
Best Buy Co., Inc. Michael Carren Vice President and Head of Corporate Social Responsibility The Guardian Life Insurance Company Peter Dudley Author and Nationally Recognized Expert CSR, Marketing, and Employee Engagement Katy Friesz Executive Director, Winnebago Foundation and Corporate Responsibility Winnebago Industries Matthew Nelson Corporate Vice President New York Life Insurance Company Heather Lofkin Wright Corporate Responsibility Director PwC US 

4 Session A Stories from Our Faculty: The CSR Role, Career Path, and You
The path to your role What is the role today? Where is it heading in the future? What does it take to create a career path?


6 Session B Effective Strategies and Tips for Being Successful in Your Work
“Bombs and Brilliance” Rapid Fire Round Deep Dive Discussion and Q&A

7 Session C Group Coaching on Your Challenge
Designate a person to keep time You state your challenge succinctly to the group (1 minute) Group asks clarifying questions of you (3 minutes) Group provides feedback and recommendations and you listen and capture what you are hearing—no commenting (4 minutes) You play back to the group what you heard (1 minute) Repeat cycle to address all individual challenges at table, rotating time-keeper

8 Preconference Peer-Learning Workshop
Thank you 2018 Preconference Peer-Learning Workshop

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