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“The Scribe” by Kristin Hunter

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1 “The Scribe” by Kristin Hunter

2 Words to know before you read:
1. loitering (noun) an act of lingering in a place for no particular reason Means the Same As: ______________________________________________________________________ The students usually loiter outside Gary’s Pharmacy after school and need to be reminded by the police to leave the premises.

3 2. dignified (adjective) respectable; poised
Means the Same As: ______________________________________________________________________ The high school valedictorian presented her speech in a dignified manner showing respect to all who were present.

4 3. fib (verb) tell a lie about something unimportant
Means the Same As: ______________________________________________________________________ The little girl all to often would fib to her parents about the amount of reading she completed each night.

5 4. immunization (noun) medicine given to a patient to protect against illness
Means the Same As: ______________________________________________________________________ We all need the proper immunizations to attend school in order to protect ourselves from diseases.

6 5. nuisance (noun) an annoyance; pest
Means the Same As: ______________________________________________________________________ He can sometimes be a nuisance at home when he chews with his mouth open while eating.

7 6. timidly (adverb) shyly or fearfully
Means the Same As: ______________________________________________________________________ She timidly asked her friend Johnny to the prom even though she was terribly nervous.

8 What other words can you add to this
What other words can you add to this? What other words did you notice as you read that you did not know the meaning of? Make a list below: Use your “word estimate” template to look up words and make connections to new vocabulary terms. ________________

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