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2 Introduction Statute Prescribing law relating to procedure of Civil Courts; Structure - 158 Sections in First (main) part; 51 ORDERS in Second part (contain Rules); Scheme - Sections - Basic Principles Creating Jurisdiction; Rules Detailed Procedure for Exercising Jurisdiction;

3 Some Basic Definitions (S. 2)
Decree (2) Decree-holder (3) Government Pleader (7) Judge (8) Judgment (9) Judgment-debtor (10) Legal representatives (11) Mesne profits (12) Order (14) Caveat : (S. 148 A)

4 Proceedings in Civil Courts
In Original / Trial Courts - Original Suits of a Civil nature; Original Applications; Interlocutory Applications; Miscellaneous Applications including Reviews; In Superior Courts - References; Revisions; Appeals;

5 The Most Basic Proceeding ----
“Suit of a Civil Nature”


7 Virtually Limitless connotation; Can involve disputes for Rights to -
Meaning & Scope (S.9) Virtually Limitless connotation; Can involve disputes for Rights to - Property or, Office - Even if purely dependant on religious rites/ceremonies; With / Without Fees; Irrespective of being attached to any particular place;

8 S.9 - The Bottomline Virtually any dispute or actionable grievance a potential Suit of Civil nature; Limiting clause – “unless expressly or impliedly barred”;

9 Typical Civil Suits Title Suits; Money Suits; Matrimonial Suits;
Guardianship Cases; Succession Matters etc.;

10 “Jurisdiction” The competency of a Court to entertain/ adjudicate upon any particular subject matter; Types of Jurisdiction:- i) Pecuniary, ii) Territorial, iii) Of Subject matter;

11 Filing of Suits In Court of Lowest Grade competent to try (S.15);
Place of Suing (S.16) – For immovable property – Where situated; If situated in different places - in any of those Courts or, Where Defendant resides / works for gain or, Where cause of action / part arises;

12 Finality of Proceedings -I
S.10: Stay of Suits - If the matter in issue is directly and substantially same, as in a former suit between same parties – No Court to proceed with Trial in a suit, till decision of earlier Suit,

13 The Finality -II S. 11: Res – Judicata - If the matter in issue is directly & substantially same, as in a former suit – A suit / Issue already decided not to be reopened / re-adjudicated subsequently between same parties, or those claiming through them;

14 Stages in Suit hearing / trials
Filing in Court, Preliminary Scrutiny (O.VII), Issuance of Summons / Notices (O. V), Ascertaining Contest after Service (O.IX), Completion of pleadings (WS etc.) (O.VIII), Disposal of Interlocutory Applications,

15 Stages in Suit Hearing / Trials
Framing of Issues (At any stage), Discovery, Inspection /Admissions (O.XI); Evidence of plaintiff (s); Evidence of defence side(Order XVIII); Cross-examination of witnesses giving evidence in chief by way of affidavits (Post amendment); Arguments;

16 The Conclusion 12. Judgment (O.XX);

17 The Conclusion 13. Execution – If not complied within specified time;

18 Thank You

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