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Fitting the pieces together

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Presentation on theme: "Fitting the pieces together"— Presentation transcript:

1 Fitting the pieces together
TMDL consequences 2-year milestones End date May 12, 2009 Executive Council Meeting State Implementation Plans Bob Koroncai U.S. EPA Region 3 Water Protection Division contingencies

2 What’s the Scope of the Bay TMDL?
Entire watershed Nutrients, sediments All sources Oxygen, clarity/Bay grasses, algae All impaired tidal water segments

3 What makes the Chesapeake Bay
TMDL different? Implementation/Accountability Reasonable Assurance Assure that NPS controls in TMDL will be implemented Basis of Bay TMDL Implementation Framework

4 The Bay TMDL Implementation Framework
Employ Consequences by EPA if appropriate progress is not being made Revise Implementation plans Identifying the nutrient and sediment controls needed to meet the Basin caps Monitor Effectiveness to assess implementation actions Establish Chesapeake Bay TMDL: Set total nutrient and sediment caps Wasteload and load allocations Set Biennial Milestones for closing identified program gaps. Contingencies by states if milestones fall short Evaluate Program capacity (programmatic, funding, technical) to fully implement State Implementation Plans Identify Program Gaps between needed controls and existing program capacity

5 What’s on the road ahead?
State Implementation Plan Development (May 2009 – May 2010) TMDL 101 public meetings (June – Sept. 2009) Draft TMDL Public Notice/Public Meetings (June – Sept. 2010) Final TMDL Established (December 2010)

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