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Morning Traffic/Review Games

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1 Morning Traffic/Review Games
Story Sort Vocabulary Words: Arcade Games Study Stack Spelling City: Vocabulary Spelling City: Spelling Words

2 Spelling Words Homophones

3 heal symbol cymbal herd heard patients patience capitol capital
heel heal symbol cymbal herd heard patients patience capitol capital straight strait aisle isle stationery stationary sheer shear bread bred martial marshall discreet discrete adolescents adolescence

4 Vocabulary Words

5 Vocabulary Words – Test on Friday, January 9th
pawn – lowest ranking piece in chess remote – isolated rummage – thoroughly search reception – formal celebration resume – begin again rustling – to make the sound of going through papers

6 More Words to Know simultaneous – synchronized ceaseless – unstopping
completion – the state of being finished impression – mark penniless – without any money effortless – without any hard work

7 Draw Conclusions Logical conclusions are based on details or facts in a piece of writing and on what readers know about real life. A logical conclusion you might draw about Elizabeth Blackwell based on your reading, is “Elizabeth Blackwell had a lot of courage.” Be careful not to draw illogical conclusions.

8 Foreshadowing Foreshadowing consists of hints or clues about what will happen later in a story. It can either create suspense or make a story more predictable and so create a sense of order.

9 Antonyms Sometimes an antonym—a word that means the opposite—can provide a clue to the meaning of an unfamiliar word in a passage. Identify an antonym for each word in the chart. Then write sentences using each word and its antonym.

10 Antonyms Word Antonym Sentence submissive humble decline practical

11 Print Sources/Media Would you use an encyclopedia or a computer to conduct research on preventive medicine? Both sources would be useful.

12 Print Sources/Media Print sources include almanacs, dictionaries, encyclopedias, magazines, newspapers, and other reference books such as the Readers’ Guide to Periodical Literature.

13 Print Sources/Media Media consists of two main types: computer and non-computer. Computer sources include CD-ROMs, the Internet, and software. Non-computer sources include audiotapes, CDs, DVDs, films, and videotapes.

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