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Fantasy Review Day 3.

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1 Fantasy Review Day 3

2 Connection: We have read a variety of literary and informational texts this year. During this unit, we will focus on exploring a specific type of literary text, the genre of fantasy. Today we will identify the characteristics of fantasy and analyze a story to determine if it is a good example of this genre.

3 Teaching: Fantasy is a text that has unrealistic and or unworldly events/characters within the story. We will examine a copy of the text Excerpts from Peter and Wendy. As a class we will read aloud stopping to identify fantasy elements. To ensure we are conducting a close reading of the text, we will underline/annotate the evidences of fantasy elements within the text.

4 Fantasy Reading Selection:
Excerpts from Peter and Wendy by J. M. Barrie

5 Fantasy is fiction that contains unrealistic or unworldly events (e. g
Fantasy is fiction that contains unrealistic or unworldly events (e.g., magic) Time and setting: Fantasies may be set in the past, present, or distant future. The place where the story occurs may be enchanted. Characters: Fantasies may include people or animals with magical or supernatural powers. Sometimes the characters represent stereotypes of good and evil. Plot: Fantasies usually have events that are magical and or super human. Characters have the ability to face challenges in unrealistic ways. Many fantasies follow an event structure where something is wrong in the fabric of the universe, or the world is out of order. The main character(s)’ role is usually to help establish new order.

6 Guided Practice: You will work with a partner to fill in the organizer using the annotations from the text Excerpts from Peter and Wendy.   Once you and your partner are finished filling in the organizer, we will discuss our evidences of fantasy and reasoning. We will practice using speaking and listening goals to have a discussion on whether or not the evidences are characteristics of the fantasy genre

7 Tool:

8 Link: Today we learned the characteristics of the genre fantasy.
As you read stories in this genre, think about whether or not it is a good example of the genre by looking for examples or evidence in the text that matches the characteristics noted.

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