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Parent-Teacher Conference Year 6 10 August 2017

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1 Parent-Teacher Conference Year 6 10 August 2017

2 Year 6 Team Teaching Specialist teachers: Ms Kelsey Ms Farial Pak Wira
Ibu Ely Specialist teachers Specialist teachers: Pak Zain for PSPE Religion team (Pak Ikhwan, Pak Andy, ms Naomi dan pak Nyoman) Pak Hendra for Music


4 SBB Activity Calendar

5 Activity Calendar of Year 6 Semester 1 2017/2018
Semester I Term 1 Class Assembly (23rd of August 2017) Psychological test (October 2017) Term 2 Persuasive Speech Art Festival (Optional for Year 6) Exhibition

6 Class Program Mad minutes
Students will have a quick test in Math,3 times a week for 2 minutes. Those who get 3 times perfect score will go up to next level. Material in the test is a basic operation in math (Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division) Sharing Session Activity Each students will speak in front of others once a week to improve their public speaking skill. Please help your child to practice at home. Edmodo ( Year 6 social media to improve learning and communication between students and teachers. Laptop everyday Please help your child to bring their laptop everyday. Since it is needed for research and daily lesson.

7 Exhibition The learning journey from Playgroup through to Year 6.
Apply the knowledge, profiles, skills and attitudes which they have developed over the years at SBB. Empower our global citizens to inquire into an area of interest and take ACTION to help others.

8 Students choose a topic of interest and develop concepts and lines of inquiry around it.

9 What will students do in Exhibition?
Research Interview Writing piece Art Piece Performance piece Interactive piece Technology piece

10 Roles of parents in Exhibition
Help students to access resources- people, places, media and information Provide expert subject knowledge Act as mentors as required or appropriate Encourage independent inquiry and respect student ownership of the process Celebrate with the students by attending the staging of the exhibition

11 Semester 2 Program More periods/contact time for the national exam subjects There will be no academic reinforcement (AR) after school Specialist teachers to be assigned for the national exam subjects School to provide learning resources for national exam practice at home School determines passing grade of students to pass Year 6

12 Teacher’s


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