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Chapter 21.3 World Studies Mr. Jarrett.

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1 Chapter 21.3 World Studies Mr. Jarrett

2 A. Delegates were elected by universal manhood suffrage.
The Nat’l Convention A. Delegates were elected by universal manhood suffrage. 1. Delegates were divided into 3 groups: a. Girondins- feared domination of Fr. By Paris. b. Jacobins- republicans who favored domination by Paris. *Danton and Robespierre- two most powerful Jacobins. c. Third class had no definite views. B. Nat’l convention ended the monarchy, est. a republic, and wrote a new constitution. C. Louis XVI was beheaded for plotting against the security of the nation.

3 II. Exporting the Revolution
France defeated the Austrians and Prussians. Other nation’s feared Fr. would try to overthrow other monarchies. A. Committee on Public Safety 1. Set up army to crush foreign invaders. a. Conscription 2. Revolutionary Tribunal- special court to try “enemies of the Revolution”. B. Opposition 1. Counterrevolutionary- opposed the Revolution. a. Royalists, Catholics, and Girondins

4 III. The Reign of Terror Sept. 1793 to July 1794
A. Revolutionary Tribunal executed those thought to be involved in counterrevolutionary actions. 1. Marie-Antoinette 2. Olympe de Gouges B. Danton believed that the Reign of Terror had met its goal by 1974. C. Robespierre felt that Danton was being disloyal and had him and his followers put to death. D. Nat’l Convention brought this to a halt by putting Robespierre to death. E. This brought the Reign of Terror to an end.

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