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Presentation on theme: " Demo Agenda About Us WIIFM Features User Scenarios"— Presentation transcript:

1 Demo Agenda About Us WIIFM Features User Scenarios
How-To Videos FAQs

2 Crescent Electric – About Us
8th largest electrical distribution company in the U.S. Electrical, lighting, automation & datacom products 141 locations in 27 States

3 - What’s in it for me?
Availability – 250K products 24x7 on PC/iPad Ease of use – intuitive, similar to major retailers Product Support – robust content, images and spec sheets

4 Get your Special Pricing Shop Local Inventory
Current Features Get your Special Pricing Shop Local Inventory Browse or Search 250K Products View 1M Product Recommendations Compare Products side by side Once signed-in, customers get their special pricing, can shop by ship-to along with viewing inventory in their local branch and in other nearby branches. Customers can use picture navigation and on-site search to access 250K products. utilizes a best-in-class search utility that allows customers to search by keyword, full or partial part number, aliases, slang, misspellings, etc. Customers will see product recommendations throughout the site and will be able to compare products to view their specifications side-by-side.

5 Shop via prebuilt Shopping Lists Checkout in less than 10 seconds
Current Features Shop via prebuilt Shopping Lists Checkout in less than 10 seconds View offline & online Order History Pay My Bill We prebuild shopping lists for customers based on previous purchases, broken out by ship-to addresses with the average quantities that they typically purchase. Customers can search shopping lists by keyword, Crescent part number, the manufacturer’s part number or the customer’s own part numbers and can easily sweep an entire shopping list or parts of a list into the cart for purchase. Additionally, our checkout process has been enhanced to take less than 10 seconds and requires only a few clicks. Most fields in checkout are prefilled, customers are able to order using their Crescent Credit Account and can ship via Crescent Truck, FedEx or have items put at will-call. Customers can view their full transaction history (orders and quotes), both online and offline in our Order History section. We also offer the ability for customers to pay their invoices via ACH transfer in our Pay My Bill section.

6 User Scenarios Existing brick & mortar customer:
Daryl, Electrical Contractor Existing brick & mortar customer: finds our product on Google creates a Web account orders using priority will call Spends most of his day in the field, trailer, or running from job to job. Needs a way to quickly place orders and pick up items locally.

7 Hubbell CR20I Daryl searches for a part number on Google.

8 He then clicks on the listing.

9 Daryl is looking to order from his local branch and pick-up via will-call. He is also viewing list price before he signs in. He clicks on the ‘Check Availability’ link to see if there is local stock that he can pick-up.

10 Registration is required for our existing customers so that we can provide their special pricing and allow them to order using their Crescent Credit account.

11 Daryl fills out a quick registration form
Daryl fills out a quick registration form. If he doesn’t know his account number, he can click the ‘What is this?’ link. and local inventory.

12 Daryl sees an image of a sample invoice, locates his account number on one of the invoices on his desk and completes his registration.

13 After registering, Daryl is taken back to the product page where he sees his list of jobs, his special price, the quantity located in his local branch in addition to a link to see more inventory in nearby branches.

14 Daryl is able to view inventory in the local branch and within the branches in his district. Daryl decides to add to cart while he is on this page.

15 After adding to cart, Daryl receives a confirmation indicating that the item has been added to his cart. He then proceeds to checkout.

16 Most of the checkout info is pre-filled and Daryl only needs to provide how he wants to receive the items. In this case, he selects will-call. If Daryl’s job is tax-exempt, the website will not charge him tax.

17 Daryl can provide additional info, such as his UPS/FedEx account number, a purchase order number, when he wants his order shipped, whether or not he wants his order to ship when everything is in-stock or piecemeal and he can provide us special shipping instructions. The system defaults to have Daryl order on his account.

18 Daryl reviews his order before placing it to ensure everything is correct.

19 Daryl sees an order confirmation with all of the order details that he can print out. He sees that his will-call order is ready in an hour. This messaging is based on the day of the week, time of day and inventory availability. The sales team coded to Daryl’s account is notified of the order and a pick ticket prints in the warehouse of his local branch.

20 Daryl receives an order confirmation email with a link back to cesco
Daryl receives an order confirmation with a link back to to check order status.

21 User Scenarios Existing Web customer: finds a product requests a quote
Deborah, Purchasing Agent Existing Web customer: finds a product requests a quote uses a shopping list uses on-site search She needs an easy way to submit quotes and to be included on all order documentation. Sources products for her company. Needs a way to quickly order many products at once.

22 Deborah goes directly to our home page and clicks on Sign In / Register.

23 She then signs in using her email address and password.

24 Deborah selects the appropriate job/ship-to in the top Branch-Job dropdown and then starts narrowing her product selection by clicking on Heating, Venting & Cooling.

25 She then clicks on Ventilation Fans.

26 Then on Fan with Heater & Light.

27 She then narrows her selection by Air Flow.

28 She narrows her selection to a single product and knows that it is located in her local branch.

29 If she’s not a big fan of the price, she can add the product to her cart and then Request a Quote. This button will enter the quote in our ERP system and notify her salesperson of the request.

30 Deborah uses our shopping list page to view a pre-built shopping list that was automatically created based on her company’s previous purchases. She can search her shopping list by Crescent part numbers, manufacturer part numbers and her own customer part numbers. She can also create her own custom shopping lists. Deborah is able to select multiple SKUs to add to her cart or can add an entire list to her cart in one click.

31 Deborah uses our on-site search to search for elbows
Deborah uses our on-site search to search for elbows. She’s able to narrow the results that are returned by category.

32 Features Available Soon
Punchout Mobile Website and Apps Quote Conversion Enhanced Customer Part # Support We’re adding punchout support for 50 different eProcurement systems, including Ariba, SciQuest, Coupa, Perfect Commerce, Oracle Exchange, SAP, etc. We currently have the ability to automate delivery of price files to customers for import into their purchasing systems. Some of the formats include Excel, McCormick, Accubid, Conest, Estimation, Trade Power and Vision Infosoft. We’re working on adding a mobile website, iPhone app and Android app. The site currently functions well on tablets. Soon, customers will be able to convert their online and offline quotes that they receive from our sales team to orders using our checkout. Also, customers will soon be able to maintain customer part numbers on our product pages in addition to being able to search by these part numbers using our on-site search.

33 How-To Videos

34 FAQs

35 More Info Questions? Contact: Mike Mayer
Director, E-Business Strategy and Commerce Office: Internal: Mobile:

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